Polskie Forum Astronautyczne

Człowiek i Astronautyka => Osobistości => Wątek zaczęty przez: axion w Marzec 10, 2011, 18:00

Tytuł: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: axion w Marzec 10, 2011, 18:00
Nie wiem czy taki wątek ma tutaj jakiś sens ale trafiłem ostatnio na całkiem ciekawe zdjęcia z wizyty Buzza Aldrina w CERN [Visit of Buzz Aldrin at CERN (http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1334592)]. Nie wiem też czy gdzieś już o tym wspominano? Miło popatrzeć jak przedstawiciele różnych pokrewnych środowisk spotykają się z wzajemnym zainteresowaniem.

(http://mediaarchive.cern.ch/MediaArchive/Photo/Public/2011/1103084/1103084_45/1103084_45-A5-at-72-dpi.jpg) (http://mediaarchive.cern.ch/MediaArchive/Photo/Public/2011/1103084/1103084_45/1103084_45-A4-at-144-dpi.jpg)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Luty 14, 2016, 02:19
2. człowiek na Księżycu nie tylko w CERN był. Gościł również na IAC 2015 w Jerozolimie.

Buzz Aldrin (http://lk.astronautilus.pl/astros/30.htm) to 29. (30) człowiek w kosmosie.
Jego 2 loty kosmiczne trwały łącznie 12d 01h 53m04s.
Odbył 4 spacery kosmiczne, które trwały w sumie 07h 27m 24s.
Jeden z nich miał miejsce na Księżycu 21.07.1969 i trwał 01h 50m 24s, będąc zarazem najkrótszym spacerem księżycowym.




Buzz Aldrin , który 20 stycznia skończył 86 lat nadal jest aktywny publicznie.
9 lutego miał wykład na Mississippi State University .

"When we work together, we can achieve the impossible," Aldrin said. "The true value of the Apollo program is the amazing story of teamwork that overcame many obstacles to make it to the moon."

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Luty 17, 2016, 18:44
Buzz Aldrin broni prawdy o lądowaniu ludzi na Księżycu

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: station w Luty 17, 2016, 21:42
Ze świrami od hoax'ów wyzywających astronautów od kłamców inaczej postąpić się nie da. "Buzz" pokazał, że jest w formie i potraktował tego dziwoląga jak należy.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Sierpień 02, 2016, 17:23
Buzz Aldrin 26 lipca 2016 r. w Technion - izraelskim Instytucie  Technologicznym  w Hajfie przekonywał do
stałej obecności   ludzi na Marsie.
Zwrócił uwagę nie tylko na   kwestę techniczną   lotu ludzi na Marsa.
Wg niego współpraca międzynarodowa jest kluczem do powodzenia ludzkiej ekspansji na Czerwoną Planetę.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Sierpień 02, 2016, 18:10
Te studia to chyba programu letniego studiów ISU, które w tym roku się odbywaj w Izraelu. Jest tam kilku studentów i wykładowców z Polski. :)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: velo w Sierpień 03, 2016, 09:24
Dokładnie tak jak pisał KK.

Jednocześnie Buzz Aldrin jest również rektorem International Space University (wcześniej byli to Jean-Jacques Dordain oraz Arthur C. Clarke).
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Sierpień 03, 2016, 11:40
Velo, czy będą szanse na zdjęcia Polaków z tego kursu z Buzzem Aldrinem?
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: velo w Sierpień 03, 2016, 13:07
Coś postaram się zadziałać :)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: velo w Sierpień 03, 2016, 15:23
I udało mi się dostać taką focie. Podobno Buzz potem bardzo szybko się zwinął...
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Sierpień 04, 2016, 09:49
Trochę więcej w artykule o ISU 2016 napisanego przez jednego z absolwentów  tych studiów :

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: velo w Sierpień 04, 2016, 12:49
Czyli przeze mnie ;)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Listopad 22, 2016, 19:04
Buzz Aldrin wyjaśnia ciszę w eterze na krótko przed wyjściem na powierzchnię Księżyca.
Religijne aspekty lotu załogi Apollo 8 spotkały się z protestem amerykańskiego ateisty.

Though sending men to the moon was certainly one of the most incredible feats in human history, there are still things we don’t know about the landing.

Though sending men to the moon was certainly one of the most incredible feats in human history, there are still things we don’t know about the landing.

One of those things was the strange silence experienced on tape just before Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface.

That silence was no mistake. In fact, it was a planned time of rest, and Aldrin explained how it came to be in his story, “An Astronaut Tells of a little-known but Significant Event on the Moon,” published in 1970, and in his book, “Return to Earth,” published in 1973.

Aldrin asked for radio silence because of a lawsuit brought against NASA by atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair, who objected to Apollo 8’s crew reading the first chapter of the book of Genesis in their Christmas radio transmission.

Aldrin used the moments of silence to partake in communion. He said he had struggled to find the “right symbol for the first lunar landing,” and after discussions with his pastor, decided that a personal communion would help express that what man was doing “transcended electronics and computers and rockets,” WND reported.

“I wondered if it might be possible to take communion on the moon, symbolizing the thought that God was revealing Himself there too, as man reached out into the universe. For there are many of us in the NASA program who do trust that what we are doing is part of God’s eternal plan for man,” Aldrin said.

After the Eagle had landed and just before Armstrong gave the signal that the men could step onto the surface of the moon, Aldrin drank wine from a small chalice his pastor had given him and also ate a small piece of bread that he carried in a plastic bag on the flight with him.

He also read John 15:5 from the Bible: “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

Talk about an incredible story. There couldn’t be a better reason for taking communion.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Grudzień 01, 2016, 15:46
Ostatnio Buzz Aldrin się pokazywał na twitterze, że będzie na biegunie południowym. Niestety okazuje się, że go właśnie stamtąd ewakuowali z przyczyn medycznych:

Mam nadzieję, że nic groźnego!
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: mss w Grudzień 02, 2016, 20:08
Więcej informacji o przyczynach ewakuacji Buzz Aldrina do Nowej Zelandii pod linkiem:

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Grudzień 03, 2016, 08:54
Buzz Aldrin recovers in New Zealand after polar evacuation
December 2, 2016 by Nick Perry And Marcia Dunn


Buzz Aldrin ewakuowany z Antarktydy

(...)Aldrin wyruszył na Antarktydę w ramach wyprawy turystycznej. J Z powodu problemów z oddychaniem został ewakuowany do szpitala w Nowej Zelandii. Obecnie jest w dobrym i stabilnym stanie. Aldrin został również najstarszą osobą, która stanęła na biegunie południowym.

Źródło: http://kosmonauta.net/2016/12/buzz-aldrin-ewakuowany-z-antarktydy/

Astronauci lubą ekstremalne przygody.Przypomina mi się sytuacja Karla Henize http://lk.astronautilus.pl/astros/175.htm , który nie miał tyle szczęścia.

Karl G. Henize, NASA Scientist, Dies at 66 Climbing Mount Everest
Published: October 10, 1993

Dr. Karl G. Henize, a senior space agency scientist and the oldest American astronaut to travel in space, died of respiratory failure on Tuesday while trying to ascend Mount Everest, officials here at the Johnson Space Center announced on Friday. He was 66.

Dr. Henize, who was on leave from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, died at a base camp in China, said Jeff Carr, a NASA spokesman. He was buried on the mountain, as he had wished, Mr. Carr said.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 20, 2017, 23:55
Najstarszy zdobywca bieguna południowego kończy dziś 87 lat :)

Happy Birthday, Buzz Aldrin! His Most Inspiring Quotes About Life On Earth
JANUARY 20, 2017 – 12:23 AM

Happy birthday, Buzz Aldrin! The legendary astronaut turns 87 on January 20, 2017.

On July 20, 1969, Aldrin stepped out of the Apollo 11 lunar module and became the second person to ever set foot on the moon.

Nearly half a century later, Aldrin is still a passionate proponent of space exploration. He helped develop the Space Studies program at the University of North Dakota, and in 2015, he, along with other scientists, presented a “master plan” to NASA for colonizing Mars before the year 2040.


Astronaut Buzz Aldrin walks on the surface of the moon near the leg of the lunar module Eagle during the Apollo 11 mission. Mission commander Neil Armstrong took this photograph with a 70mm lunar surface camera. While astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin explored the Sea of Tranquility region of the moon, astronaut Michael Collins remained with the command and service modules in lunar orbit.

Image Credit: NASA
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Marzec 16, 2017, 00:19
Buzz Aldrin spotkał się z wiceprezydentem. Sczegóły rozmowy niejasne.

Astronauta uważa testowanie technologii na Księżycu za krok w kierunku lotu na Marsa.

But as the new administration reportedly shows greater interest in sending humans to the moon, Aldrin said lunar missions could play a role in Mars settlement by testing systems intended for use on Mars. “The moon enables us to go to Mars,” he said. “It’s almost mandatory, in my way of thinking, because the base that we want on Mars we will design and place it on the moon.”

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Marzec 16, 2017, 10:10
Chyba warto zmienić tytuł wątku na po prostu "Buzz Aldrin". Nie zawsze on bywa w CERNie, ale w wielu miejscach się udziela! :)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin w CERN
Wiadomość wysłana przez: ekoplaneta w Marzec 16, 2017, 11:32
Popieram Kanarkusie Twoją propozycję  :)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Marzec 16, 2017, 12:15
Zmienione! :)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Sierpień 03, 2017, 19:48
OPINION | Buzz Aldrin: One small step for man — closer to Mars

© Getty Images

Forty-eight years ago, on July 20, 1969, I know exactly where I was: standing on the Moon with my fellow space traveler, Neil Armstrong. Our Apollo 11 colleague, Mike Collins, was circling high above the barren lunar landscape I described as “magnificent desolation.”

America’s Apollo program was a team effort, tapping into the talents of 400,000 people that bonded together to make real a vision. It was a unified undertaking, a blend of government, industry and academic wherewithal to turn a long-held dream into a reality.

But that was then — today it’s time to rejuvenate the country’s space program.

I was very pleased to see the White House in late June revive the National Space Council, to be chaired by the vice president. It was high time to resurrect this council and once again guide American space policy to regain and retain U.S. leadership in space. Our nation has suffered by not having such a council to ensure that a vibrant, resolute and true trajectory for NASA’s civil program is put in place.
A number of action items should be taken by the National Space Council. Firstly, in my view, steps must be taken to recognize China’s impressive space exploration agenda. This view was fortified a few months ago when I took part in a major Global Space Exploration conference held in Beijing. Space agency leaders from Italy, Germany, Japan, Russia, Canada, France, South Africa, the European Space Agency, as well as China took part. Embarrassingly, missing in the interchange was the United States.

I think the National Space Council could exert a strong position of leadership by pulling together space-capable nations to forge a partnership — one that utilizes low Earth orbit and the Moon as a testing ground for technologies needed to make possible footprints on faraway Mars. The United States is the experienced and potential leader of this coalition of space-capable countries. Doing so could decrease the cost of many activities in Earth orbit and at the Moon in preparation for Mars.

Now, back here on Earth. I have two words for Washington: fiscal discipline. The second word is not embraced in the nation’s capital, so let’s call it fiscal responsibility.

The programs that we have right now are eating up every piece of the NASA budget. It’s got to be reduced if we’re ever going to get anywhere new. People, companies, NASA itself, don’t like to have things reduced. But if we don’t, we’re going to continue spending to keep the International Space Station going. We’re going to keep the Orion piloted spacecraft, a project that is too expensive and too late. And we’re going to keep the Space Launch System flying once a year at a hefty price tag of billions of dollars. Again, we’re not going anywhere if we don’t do something about these issues.

I pride myself on thinking out of the box, of being innovative and a lover of long-range aims. Having farsighted goals and objectives is a trait of bold space exploration planning.To that end, for over 30 years now, I have championed the call for establishing a permanent human settlement on Mars. Striving to do so, I strongly believe, summons the very best of humankind to transform this lofty ambition into reality.

In my blueprint for the Red Planet, the plan projects we’ll have people on Mars by 2039. It is a plan to create a sustainable path to permanent inhabitation of Mars. This time no flags, footprints and scurrying back to Earth like we did in the Apollo program. I call the plan “Cycling Pathways to Occupy Mars.” It is a bridge-building plan that links the Earth, the Moon and Mars and paves humankind’s road to another planet.

To occupy Mars is a task like no other. This enterprise can unite the great nations of the world in a cooperative way. Setting sail to Mars, putting in place a thriving civilization on that far-off world, is a peaceful pursuit that’s unparalleled in history. It is time to place spacefaring nations on that trajectory.

Given the reactivation of the National Space Council, I call upon them to help secure a bold presidential commitment. That is, on the 50th anniversary of the first Apollo landing on the Moon in 2019, to commit to a continued occupation of Mars with international crews. Through U.S. leadership, we can facilitate and sustain the arrival of humans on Mars.

I have always appreciated British essayist T.S. Eliot who pointed out: “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”

Indeed, the task ahead is daunting. But what’s a future for if not to dream big? I passionately believe it is our rendezvous with destiny.

Apollo 11 moonwalker, Buzz Aldrin, is an international advocate of space science and planetary exploration. Aldrin has authored and co-authored several books including “Mission to Mars – My Vision for Space Exploration,” children’s book “Welcome to Mars: Making a Home on the Red Planet,” and “No Dream Is Too High: Life Lessons From a Man Who Walked on the Moon.” Follow him on Twitter at @TheRealBuzz.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 20, 2018, 17:24
Christina Korp@Buzzs_xtina 8.01
Happy Birthday Stephen Hawking! Can't believe it's been almost 2 years since we last visited you at home. Hope it's an incredible day! You're always an inspiration to me and to the world. 76 years old defying the odds.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 20, 2018, 17:29
Dziś przypadają 88. urodziny człowieka, który od dzecka chciał daleko podróżować.
Pozdrawiamy i życzymy dużo zdrowia w realizacji kosmicznych zamierzeń  :)

An undated photo of Buzz Aldrin as a child in Miami Beach, Florida, where his parents spent a winter vacation.

Buzz Aldrin's cadet pfoto from West Point

Buzz Aldrin poses for a portrait with his first wife Joan Archer and children, James, Andrew and Janice in 1967.

Buzz Aldrin and his third wife Lois Driggs attend the Fifth Anniversary Party for USA Today, Sept. 10, 1987, at Culver Studios in Culver City, California.

American astronauts, Buzz Aldrin (left, in blue), Charles Bassett, (top, in blue), and Theodore Freeman (bottom, in orange) experience weightlessness in a reduced gravity aircraft as part of their NASA mission training, 1964.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: mss w Czerwiec 23, 2018, 17:47

Legendary astronaut Buzz Aldrin sues family alleging fraud

Apollo 11 moonwalker Buzz Aldrin has launched a legal battle against his children and family foundation, accusing them of abusing his trust and finances nearly 50 years after his historic moon landing.

The 88-year-old Aldrin's children, in turn, say they fear he is a victim of manipulation by parties seeking to take advantage of his money and reputation.

In a civil suit filed this month in Brevard County Circuit Court, Aldrin, a Satellite Beach resident, claims his son, daughter and a former manager have misused credit cards, refused to disclose financial information and mismanaged social media accounts and other media obligations.

Aldrin further says they have slandered him, telling others that he has dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and have refused to let him marry and undermined romantic relationships.

The family and Buzz Aldrin Space Foundation “have used this tactic to gain further control over (Buzz Aldrin’s) personal relationships, business contacts, and assets,” the lawsuit states.

Aldrin also seeks to remove his son, Andy Aldrin, as the controlling trustee of his estate that oversees memorabilia worth millions of dollars.

Andy Aldrin is a former rocket company executive who also serves as the foundation’s president and director of the Aldrin Institute based at the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne. Buzz Aldrin's daughter, Jan Aldrin, is a foundation board member. Buzz Aldrin is the foundation’s chairman, but does not oversee day-to-day operations.

The foundation, which is gearing up for an annual gala fundraiser July 21 at Kennedy Space Center, did not comment directly on the lawsuit Friday.

However, the foundation said in a statement that it has “concerns for (Buzz Aldrin’s) vulnerability to manipulation by other parties seeking to gain access to and control of foundation and personal resources.”

Those concerns were expressed this week after public questions arose about a surge of activity on Buzz Aldrin’s official Twitter account, after it had been dormant for six weeks.

One of the messages personally attacked Aldrin’s longtime manager, Christina Korp, of Winter Park, Florida, accusing her of “using Buzz’s voice and brand to self-promote/ promote her clients ….”

Echoing the lawsuit filed June 7, the tweet said Aldrin had fired Korp, whom the lawsuit also accuses of fraud and other exploitation.

The family foundation said that was not true, and that Korp remains a board member with its full support.

The foundation also said someone else appeared to be speaking for Aldrin on his official Twitter account, @TheRealBuzz.

“We are not sure who is responsible for the tweet regarding Christina Korp, but we are confident Buzz did not write this," the foundation said in a statement.

Florida Tech, which houses the Aldrin Space Institute and Aldrin Center for Entrepreneurship in Space, also is a defendant in the case.

Identifying Buzz Aldrin as a “vulnerable adult” under Florida law, the lawsuit accuses Andy Aldrin of making “large sums of transactions monthly” from Buzz Aldrin’s accounts.

“The amounts are unknown in amount but substantial, potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars,” the suit states.

Robert Tourtelot, Buzz Aldrin’s Santa Monica, California-based lawyer, did not immediately respond to a call for comment.

The lawsuit reflects a rift that has divided the Apollo astronaut — who this week visited the White House for a National Space Council meeting — from his family in favor of a different management team.

The new team last month promised to unveil a new Aldrin initiative, the Human Spaceflight Institute, at Spaceport Houston located at Ellington Airport.

The planned May 22 press event was canceled without explanation. But on Friday, its spokesperson, Beverly Hills-based Edward Lozzi of Lozzi Media Services, said to stay tuned.

“We are going to be making a major announcement in the near future,” Lozzi told FLORIDA TODAY.

Lozzi previously has represented celebrity clients including Lou Ferrigno and Jon Voight and served as a White House press aide under President George H.W. Bush, according to his website.

Aldrin’s new advisers have established a Los Angeles-based entity, Buzz Aldrin Ventures, that they say now represents his business interests.

The organization’s website says it is “Buzz’s overarching holding company charged with developing strategic projects and international joint ventures that further Buzz’s vision and legacy in addition to activities formerly undertaken by Buzz Aldrin Enterprises.”

LeBlanc also previously served as executive director for more than a decade of the then Kennedy Space Center-based Astronaut Scholarship Foundation.

Also involved with Aldrin, according to the online news site NASA Watch, is Lisa LaBonte, who once served as CEO of the United Arab Emirates-based Arab Youth Venture Foundation, which partnered with NASA on some education projects.

Aldrin’s family foundation says its mission is to promote STEM education, space exploration and Aldrin’s legacy. It reported net assets of about $240,000 in 2016, according to IRS documents.

“We are determined to protect Buzz’s personal reputation and professional legacy, while also protecting his ability to remain self-sustaining financially,” the foundation said.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Czerwiec 24, 2018, 01:03
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin sues over control of his estate, space artifacts

Buzz Aldrin participates in the National Space Council's Users' Advisory Group meeting on June 19, 2018 at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC. (NASA/Joel Kowsky)

June 23, 2018 – Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin has filed a lawsuit against two of his children, his former manager and family foundation, alleging fraud and seeking to regain control over his estate, including his space memorabilia and artifacts, as well as "all elements of the Buzz Aldrin brand."

Aldrin, 88, filed the lawsuit on June 7 in the 18th Circuit Court of Brevard County, Florida, to demand the removal of his son, Andrew, from serving as the trustee of his estate and power of attorney. Further, Aldrin wants his son, his daughter, Jan, and long-time personal manager (and "Mission Control Director") Christina Korp to cease representing his interests, including the Buzz Aldrin Space Foundation, also known as the ShareSpace Foundation, and Florida Institute of Technology's Aldrin Space Institute in Melbourne.

Aldrin alleges that his son and former manager misused his personal credit cards and social media accounts for their personal gain. He also claims that his son, his daughter and manager forbid him from marrying, having undermined his "personal romantic relationships." The lawsuit states that they have slandered him for years by stating he has dementia and Alzheimer's.

"We are deeply disappointed and saddened by the unjustified lawsuit that has been brought against us individually and against the Foundation that we have built together as a family to carry on Dad's legacy for generations to come," Andrew and Jan Aldrin said in a statement provided to collectSPACE on Saturday (Jun. 23). "When we established the current structure several years ago, it was done so at Buzz's request and with his full support."

Buzz Aldrin, at right, with his son Andrew Aldrin as seen together at the Science Museum London in 2015. (Buzz Aldrin via Twitter)

"We love and respect our father very much and remain hopeful that we can rise above this situation and recover the strong relationship that built this foundation in the first place," the two siblings said.

Aldrin has a third child, James Michael, who was not named in the lawsuit.

The ShareSpace Foundation, which in its current iteration was founded in 2014 as a non-profit dedicated to inspiring children's passions for science, technology, engineering, arts and math, provides interactive tools to educators across the United States. On the website for Buzz Aldrin Ventures, a limited liability company (LLC) registered in May in Santa Monica, California, Aldrin is described as no longer being an officer or a member of the ShareSpace (a.k.a. Buzz Aldrin Space) Foundation's board.

In his lawsuit, Aldrin claims that the Foundation was using his finances to fund "future educational endeavors," whereas his goal is to "fund current educational endeavors."

The lawsuit came to light soon after Aldrin's Twitter account, @TheRealBuzz, became active again after a month-long hiatus. One of the first tweets posted by the account on June 18 declared that Korp "was terminated and does not represent Buzz Aldrin in any capacity."

The Buzz Aldrin Space Foundation contested the tweet in a statement provided to the website NASAWatch.com, clarifying that Korp was continuing in her roles as a board member of the family foundation and ShareSpace Foundation.

"We are not sure who is responsible for the tweet regarding Christina, but we are confident Buzz did not write this," a spokesman for the family foundation said. "It appears, as many have speculated online, that management of the Twitter account @TheRealBuzz has indeed been reassigned without proper verification."

Paperwork filed in support of Buzz Aldrin Ventures and accounts associated with Aldrin's Twitter account point to Lisa La Bonte and former ShareSpace Foundation executive director Linn LeBlanc as being associated with Aldrin's renewed online presence. An April 17 cease and desist letter included with Aldrin's lawsuit further identifies La Bonte as Aldrin's representative.

With regards to his space artifacts and memorabilia, Aldrin told collectSPACE in 2013 that he had "no intention of selling any more of the historical Apollo 11 items" for the remainder of his life and that he intended "to pass a portion of these items on to my children and to loan the most important items for permanent display in suitable museums."

Aldrin, together with the late Neil Armstrong, became the first humans to land on the moon on July 20, 1969. In the cease and desist letter included with the lawsuit, Aldrin's attorney, Robert Tourtelout, cited the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, demanding Korp cease all plans for galas or celebrations that involve Aldrin individually or are associated with his brand.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Czerwiec 24, 2018, 01:20
Do 50. rocznicy pierwszego lądowania ludzi na Księżycu może nie udać się sprawy zakończyć .

Tymczasem coś optymistycznego :

Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 5 maj 2018

#FBF to 2014 when I had the Infinity Gauntlet

Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 15 kwi 2018

I don’t want to be remembered for just kicking up moon dust. I want to be remembered for having enabled a permanent human settlement on #Mars. #AdAstra

Mark Kelly@ShuttleCDRKelly 7 maj 2018

I’ve had the opportunity to see this entire planet from space, but New Jersey is still one of the greatest places on Earth. Honored to be inducted into the @NJHallofFame with my brother @StationCDRKelly, joining icons from @TheRealBuzz to @WhoopiGoldberg.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Czerwiec 24, 2018, 21:46
Nie kumam - pozwał swoją własną rodzinę? Dziwne to...
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: wini w Czerwiec 24, 2018, 22:15
Nie kumam - pozwał swoją własną rodzinę? Dziwne to...

To chyba częściowo wynik też mentalności amerykanów którzy większość sporów załatwiają drogą sądową. U nas sądy są kojarzone negatywnie głównie przez naszą przeszłość, tam chyba jest to trochę inaczej odbierane. Przynajmniej ja tak to odczuwam, możliwe że się mylę;) Ktoś mieszkający w USA się wypowie?:)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Czerwiec 24, 2018, 23:24
22 CZERWCA 2018
Niestety Buzz Aldrin wystartował nie w kosmos ale z pozwem sądowym. Przeciwko swojemu synowi i córce. Szczegóły są dość dziwne, ale wygląda na to że głównym powodem jest odpędzanie kobiet które się tak zakochały w dawnym astronaucie że chciał z nimi natychmiast wziąć ślub. W braniu ślubów Aldrin ma większe doświadczenie niż w lotach w kosmos – w kosmos poleciał dwa razy (Gemini 12 i Apollo 11) a śluby brał już trzy razy. I podobnie jak z lotami w kosmos, udawało mu się bezpiecznie powrócić z każdego ślubu do stanu kawalerstwa. Dlatego krętactwa rodziny mające na celu uniemożliwienie mu wzięcia ślubu po raz czwarty były czymś tak nagannym że trzeba było ich podać do sądu. Szczególnie że rodzina wg pozwu rozpowszechniała oszczerstwa mówiąc że Aldrin ma demencję i Alzheimera. O tym że Aldrin uważa że dzieci go okradały nie muszę nawet wspominać bo w końcu to oczywiste.

Rodzina twierdzi że Buzz jest podatny na manipulacje i wszystko co robi jest po to by zachował niezależność finansową. Gra się toczy o spore pieniądze jako że majątek Aldrina oceniany jest na wiele milionów dolarów. Buzz twierdzi że jego syn ukradł kilkaset tysięcy dolarów z jego prywatnych kont.

Sprawa będzie ciekawa jako że na Florydzie jest specjalne prawo chroniące ludzi starszych przez oszustwami – sprawy są prowadzone w przyspieszonym tempie by poszkodowani mieli szansę dożyć ich zakończenia. A kary za oszukiwanie ludzi starszych są bardzo surowe.

Buzz Aldrin ma 88 lat i wydaje się być raczej w świetnej kondycji jak na swój wiek – zarówno fizycznie jak i intelektualnie. Dlatego podejrzewam że część z tych zarzutów może być prawdziwa. A już na pewno zarzuty o przeganianiu kobiet które są tak zakochane w pieniądzach astronaucie że chcą za niego natychmiast wyjść za mąż. W końcu jest wiele kobiet które marzą o takim mężu, prawda?

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: mss w Czerwiec 25, 2018, 23:18

Personal statement from Buzz Aldrin's longtime assistant, Christina Korp. This is the WSJ story she references.


Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Czerwiec 26, 2018, 09:39
Ciekawa historia. Buzz Aldrin ma prawdopodobnie bardzo burzliwe życie prywatne.

Mam takie wrażenie, że w przyszłym roku będzie więcej działań Buzza na całym świecie, a to też oznacza więcej działań finansowych. (Przypadek? Nie sądzę! :P )
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Lipiec 07, 2018, 16:58
Kolejny artykuł o tej sprawie:
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Lipiec 23, 2018, 21:41
Kłótnia się dalej toczy:
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Lipiec 23, 2018, 21:44
Buzz Aldrin explains why he was a no-show at Apollo 11 gala at Kennedy Space Center
James Dean  Florida Today Published 4:49 p.m. UTC Jul 23, 2018

(...) Aldrin, 88, of Satellite Beach, told FLORIDA TODAY in a statement that he stayed away due to a legal fight within his family and disagreements over the direction of Buzz Aldrin’s ShareSpace Foundation.

“While initially looking forward to it, due to the present course of events related to my space initiative, also current legal matters linked to the ShareSpace Foundation, I have decided not to attend at this time,” he wrote. “As some of you are aware, I formed ShareSpace Foundation in 1998 for the promotion of individual space voyagers. However, the foundation is, in my view, now being used to promote quite different objectives. I was recently advised by way of a letter from an attorney for my son, Andrew Aldrin, that I was not to hold myself as being part of the foundation. To those of you attending the gala tonight, I wish you a most pleasant evening. Ad Astra!” (...)

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Październik 29, 2018, 08:49
Tego o Buzzie nie wiedziałem. Właśnie świętował 40 lat trzeźwości (kumam, że w formie w ogóle nie tykania alkoholu).
O tym, że Buzz miał "pewne problemy" w latach 70. to było dość powszechnie wiadomo. Nie wiedziałem jednak, że od tego czasu Buzz w ogóle odstawił kieliszek.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: ah w Styczeń 22, 2019, 18:11
Buzz świętuje 89. urodziny:

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 22, 2019, 20:38
@TheRealBuzz 16 sty 2019
Looking forward to celebrating Apollo XI’s 50th Anniversary with NASA and @JimBridenstine in July. #NASA #Apollo11 #5DecadeaofApollo http://RoadtoApollo50th.com

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 22, 2019, 20:42
@TheRealBuzz 19 sty 2019
Successful mission...Living Legends of Aviation Gala with the prettiest gal there - check! #mygirl #blastoff 🚀 🚀
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 22, 2019, 20:47
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 19 sty 2019

A big salute to the Living Legends of Aviation. You put on one helluva gala.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 22, 2019, 20:50
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 10 sty 2019

It’s a lot more comfortable than our Command Module chair! #almostweightless #ApolloXI
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 22, 2019, 21:01
Buzz Aldrin @TheRealBuzz 11 gru 2018

A smart person knows there’s only so much you can do in one day. #timetogohome #workhardplayhard
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 22, 2019, 21:30
13 key pieces of life advice from Astronaut Buzz Aldrin
 Rebecca Harrington, Tech Insider Apr. 6, 2016

As one of the 12 men who walked on the Moon, Buzz Aldrin has a lot of stories to tell.
In his latest book, "No Dream Is Too High," out April 5, Aldrin packages these anecdotes into 13 life lessons.

It's an inspirational read that's packed with little-known facts about the Space Race — including how President Kennedy originally wanted to go to Mars, what Aldrin declared on his customs form after returning from the Moon, and why he wore a particular bracelet to the Moon and back.

Here are the main tenets of the 13 lessons Aldrin teaches us in this new book.


"Write your own epitaph."

Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin signs his book, "Magnificent Desolation: The Long Journey Home From the Moon," during a book signing on July 17, 2009 in Dayton, Ohio. David Kohl/AP

"Maintain your spirit of adventure."

Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin, right, rehearses with professional dancer Ashly DelGrosso-Costa for their upcoming appearance on "Dancing With The Stars" on Thursday March 18, 2010, in Los Angeles. Vince Bucci/AP

"Practice respect for all people."

Buzz Aldrin poses at Disney World with the Buzz Lightyear toy that spent 15 months in space onboard the International Space Station to encourage more students to study science. Garth Vaughan/Disney via Getty Images


Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 28, 2019, 23:34
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 22 sty 2019

Since I was 17 I took an oath to serve my country. This is what has driven almost every decision in my life. #GodBlesstheUSA

Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 25 sty 2019

Routine is important. Make a plan, and follow it. This is part of my morning ritual.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Luty 18, 2019, 22:44
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 10 lut 2019

Missing my weekend football games...🏈 🚀
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Luty 18, 2019, 23:19
A niewykluczone, że przed Buzzem jeszcze kolejne rekordy

Buzz Aldrin Blasts Off With The USAF Thunderbirds For A Record Flight
The 87-year-old took to an F-16 for a joyride over his old NASA stomping grounds.


At 87 years old, famed astronaut Buzz Aldrin is still breaking barriers and having a damn good time doing it. The USAF Thunderbirds invited the icon for a ride in their F-16D while they starred in the Melbourne Air & Space Show over the weekend. Aldrin now holds the record of being the oldest person to ever fly with the USAF Flight Demonstration Team. (...)

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: ekoplaneta w Luty 19, 2019, 08:07
Ciekawe czy Buzza dałoby się wysłać na ISS? To dopiero byłby rekord!  8)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Luty 19, 2019, 14:00
Czyżby trening przed lotem na orbitę  ;)


Ja bym obstawiał jakiś turystyczny lot suborbitalny.

Wydaje się , że za  duże ryzyko dla wiekowego organizmu, a gdyby jeszcze z powodów technicznych lot się wydłużył i powstałoby większe obciążenie dla organizmu przy adaptacji do ziemskiej grawitacji. O wiele młodsi czują się bardzo źle po przyziemieniu po długim pobycie na ISS.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Luty 19, 2019, 14:51
Raczej lot suborbitalny. Orbitalny już nie za bardzo. On jednak jest już o dekadę starszy od Johna Glenna, który poleciał promem na orbitę.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Maj 30, 2019, 21:13
Buzz Aldrin to niezły żartowniś. Oto jego profil na LinkedIn. :)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: ah w Lipiec 09, 2019, 20:54
Artykuł będący posumowaniem kilku rozmów Erica Bergera z Buzzem Aldrinem, m.in. na temat planów i metod NASA:

https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/07/buzz-aldrin-is-looking-forward-not-back-and-he-has-a-plan-to-bring-nasa-along/ (https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/07/buzz-aldrin-is-looking-forward-not-back-and-he-has-a-plan-to-bring-nasa-along/)

Przykład zdania Aldrina o Gateway i SLS:
One thing that surprises me is the lack of performance. It forces NASA into this weird orbit. And how long is SLS going to last until Blue Origin or SpaceX replaces it? Not long. How long is that heavy Orion spacecraft going to hang around in the inventory? Not long.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Lipiec 22, 2019, 09:41
I nadszedł czas świętowania

Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 17 lip 2019

Saluting...the highest form of respect for our country. #USA #ASA2019 @AerospaceStates

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Lipiec 22, 2019, 09:42
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 18 lip 2019

Honored to receive the #ASA2019 annual award for #ApolloXI accomplishments by space supporters, government leaders & industry. Thank you to Lt Gov Ainsworth (AL), Lt Gov Primavera (CO), Lt Gov Hampton (KY) @LockheedMartin Joe Rice; & ASA’s Ross Garelick Bell & Monica Hecker
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Lipiec 22, 2019, 09:42
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 18 lip 2019

It’s all about the angle @flexjet ! #firstselfieinspace

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Lipiec 22, 2019, 09:42
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 19 lip 2019

Fox Studio - ready for @marthamaccallum interview. Sound check! #ApolloXI #roadtoapollo50th
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Lipiec 22, 2019, 09:43
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 19 lip 2019

Enjoyed the interview with @marthamaccallum tonight! Looking forward to chatting with @neilcavuto tomorrow on @FoxNews at 10 AM ET! Hope you can join us! #Apollo50th #Apollo11 http://roadtoapollo50th.org
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Lipiec 22, 2019, 09:43
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 20 lip 2019

Wheels up #airforce2! Heading down to @NASAKennedy Space Center to celebrate the accomplishment of #Apollo11 50th Anniversary.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Lipiec 22, 2019, 09:44
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 20 lip 2019

Looks like the AF2 crew could use my help flying this bird! ✈️
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Lipiec 22, 2019, 09:44
Chyba najbardziej kultowe zdjęcie wykonane przez Neila Armstronga

Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz

Today, America put the big question to rest: We got there first. We landed on the moon with 250 million Americans watching our backs. The truth is: That mission belongs to all of them, and to future generations of Americans who dream to reach the moon once more. #Apollo50th

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Sierpień 04, 2019, 15:37
Apollo Astronaut Buzz Aldrin at the 2019 State of the Union
Feb. 6, 2019


Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin saluted after being introduced by President Donald Trump at the 2019 State of the Union address, Tuesday, February 5, 2019, at the Capitol in Washington. During the speech, President Trump said: "In 2019, we also celebrate 50 years since brave young pilots flew a quarter of a million miles through space to plant the American flag on the face of the Moon. Half a century later, we are joined by one of the Apollo 11 astronauts who planted that flag: Buzz Aldrin. This year, American astronauts will go back to space on American rockets."

Image Credit: U.S. Senate Photo Studio/John Shinkle
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Styczeń 20, 2020, 20:46
Dzisiaj urodziny Buzza Aldrina! I to na dodatek 90!


Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: mss w Styczeń 20, 2020, 22:03
Najlepsze życzenia dla jubilata!

Ciekawostka życzenia od Michaela Collinsa na TT:

Buzz Aldrin @TheRealBuzz

Today is a special day.
When asked for my birth date, I chuckle and say 1-20-30.
Now, after circling the sun for 90 years, today is 1-2020.  I came into this world in NJ on 1-20-30, and my mother was Marion Moon Aldrin and my father Edwin Aldrin. 
Here’s to 1-2025!

Michael Collins @AstroMCollins
W odpowiedzi do @TheRealBuzz

The big 9-0! Hope you are as hale and hearty as ever! And stay that way!
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: juram w Styczeń 20, 2020, 22:04
Happy Birthday i dobrego zdrowia, Buzz!  ;D
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: mars76 w Styczeń 20, 2020, 22:42
Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin ( Zdrowia przede wszystkim)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Marzec 16, 2020, 17:02

Buzz Aldrin @TheRealBuzz 21 lut 2020
Happy Birthday to twin Space Shuttle Astronauts
! They’ve set numerous records serving our country, logging over 570 days in space, flown on 8 missions but most importantly-are fellow #NewJerseyboys! It was a pleasure inducting you both into NJHOF
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Marzec 16, 2020, 22:03
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 8:02 PM · 16 mar 2020 2 godz temu
Congratulations Sunny Boy! I  presume you are the oldest Apollo Astronaut living in Houston. Happy Birthday Walt! #Apollo7


Buzz Aldrin @TheRealBuzz 12:57 AM · 17 mar 2020
It was great to see my Apollo brother, Walt Cunningham, tonight to wish him happy birthday “in person”.  Boy, have we come a long way with communication since 1969! #BeamMeUp

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Marzec 17, 2020, 11:32
Doprawdy Mr Aldrin  :)

Buzz Aldrin @TheRealBuzz 12 godz temu
#OTD 90 years ago – on March 16, 1926, Robert Goddard successfully launched the first ever liquid-fueled rocket in Auburn, MA. His groundbreaking work forever changed the study of aeronautics and cemented his legacy as the father of modern rocket propulsion.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: ekoplaneta w Marzec 17, 2020, 12:12
Wszystkiego najlepszego dla Buzza!  I niech się Pan dobrze schowa bo będziemy jeszcze długo Pana potrzebować!
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Marzec 18, 2020, 15:19
Życzenia urodzinowe dla astronauty Apollo 13 i aktora, który go grał w filmie Apollo 13

Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz 10:13 PM · 17 mar 2020
#OTD naval aviator, astronaut and friend TK (Ken) Mattingly was born. He flew on the Apollo 16, STS-4 & STS-51-C missions – logging in over 500 hours in space! His distinguished service to our country will not be forgotten. Happy Birthday TK!

Buzz Aldrin @TheRealBuzz 12:41 AM · 18 mar 2020
For nearly 40 years, @GarySinise  has been a fierce advocate for our nation's heroes, veterans, first responders, and their families. His willingness to give back to all those who sacrifice for our nation is inspiring! Happy Birthday my friend – I salute you!

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Kwiecień 26, 2020, 22:07
Buzz przekazuje zyski ze swojego pamiątkarskiego biznesu na walkę z koronawirusem.
I zachęca nas wszystkich do małych kroków, których suma może okazać się wielkim krokiem dla ludzkości  :)

NEWS PROVIDED BY Buzz Aldrin Ventures  Apr 21, 2020, 09:59 ET

(...) Buzz Aldrin, through Buzz Aldrin Ventures (BAV) and Buzz Aldrin's Human Spaceflight Institute (HSI), would like to join you in the effort to raise money to relieve effects brought by COVID-19, by donating the sale proceeds of 100 Autographed, Limited-Edition, Numbered, Apollo XI Crew Quarantine Prints, to the Salvation Army, to aid them in preparing and responding to community needs brought on by the novel coronavirus, across our nation.  During these trying times, this historic print of the Apollo XI crew in quarantine talking with President Nixon after returning from the Moon has more significance than ever. The autographed pictures are being offered at the special price of $599 each.

"Like many of you, I want to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19 and have been self-quarantining for a while now.  Being quarantined is never easy – I know! – but it's something we can all do for the safety of ourselves, our loved ones, and our country. Call it one small step for each of us, one giant leap for Mankind!" Buzz Aldrin remarked. (...)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: kanarkusmaximus w Kwiecień 26, 2020, 22:12
Tak, ale tylko 100 kopii. :P
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Kwiecień 26, 2020, 22:55
Tak, ale tylko 100 kopii. :P
Czyli około 59 000 USD (brutto, bo pewnie jakieś podatki trzeba jeszcze zapłacić)
Gdyby każdy amerykański milioner wykazał się taką hojnością ( a miliarderów tam też nieco jest)

22 000 000 x 59  000 USD = 129 8 000 000 000 USD


Billionaires are failing us when we need them most
By Morris Pearl for CNN Business Perspectives Updated 1355 GMT (2155 HKT) April 6, 2020

With coronavirus pushing the US economy to the brink of disaster, the ultra wealthy have an obligation to step up and use their money and power for the greater good. As the people who benefited the most from a decade of economic growth, the hundreds of billionaires in America are in a unique position to do a great deal of good at a pivotal moment. But so far, they're failing to do so.

Indeed, some have committed some of their millions to relief efforts or public health projects. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, for example, has pledged $100 million to fight the coronavirus and Jeff Bezos has pledged $100 million to US food banks. But many more billionaires have done nothing. The scattered response from the world's wealthiest people to a massive systemic threat has been utterly disappointing. And that's not surprising. (...)

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Kwiecień 26, 2020, 23:41
Buzz porównuje swoje dwie kwarantanny.

Exclusive: Buzz Aldrin says his post-Apollo 11 quarantine lessons apply to coronavirus
Buzz Aldrin Your turn Published 5:07 PM EDT Apr 23, 2020 

Official photo of the Apollo 11 prime crew. From left to right are NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, Command Module pilot; and Buzz Aldrin, Lunar Module pilot. NASA

On July 20, 1969, Buzz Aldrin became one of the first two humans to set foot on the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission. He wrote this column exclusively for FLORIDA TODAY. He's 90 years old and lives in Brevard County.

We Americans are resilient, never more than when challenged with something new, a big problem to figure out.  Even in a crisis — this one tied to our health, safety, and economic well-being — we tend to shine. With time on our hands, let’s use it well.

“Time on My Hands” is a famous song title used by Bing Crosby. Today, we have it in spades. The key is using it well, adapting to social isolation, keeping perspective, being content, productive and peaceful, despite the layered stress.

Returning from Apollo 11’s moon mission, Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and I quarantined for three weeks. You may think that was easy, relatively speaking. After all, our quarantine was not open-ended. We knew it would end.   

Special launch: Despite coronavirus, NASA and SpaceX aim to launch astronauts from KSC in May

Moon landing: Readers remember where they were when Apollo 11 crew made history

In containment, we first occupied a trailer, then the Lunar Receiving Laboratory, with room enough to stretch our feet. That was after eight days and three hours in Apollo 11’s capsule, interior space of 210 cubic feet, roughly three big refrigerators.

Remembering post-moon quarantine, the feeling is fresh again of being “so close, yet so far” from socializing — a memory that comes with life lessons learned, and not expected.

We were quarantined, of course, as part of the mission. We voluntarily isolated before flight, so doctors would not attribute an ailment carried into space as a bug caught on the moon. As it turned out, we were healthy going up, healthy afterwards.

On return, we were isolated to prevent spread of possible lunar bacteria, a remote possibility. Just as we are quarantining today to prevent coronavirus, we were “contained” on return.

At first, downtime was welcome. During flight, we were busy and weightless, focused on action, working checklists, managing jobs in the capsule, lunar module, command module, and on the moon. Once back, we debriefed, got submerged in paperwork, prepared next steps.

Soon, like today, we got bored. We read magazines, played cards, filled in reports, reviewed the mission, talked remotely with family, friends and doctors through glass.  Window visits were boring as now.

Worse, we did not have computers for work or entertainment. We did not have mobile phones, computer games, apps, cable news, sports, education, or entertainment stations.  We had lots of time, and eagerness to get beyond the quarantine.

Out of this world: NASA worker was an astronaut body double & Buzz Aldrin's dresser

History: The Apollo 11 crew, who were they?

We also had ourselves — the ability to revisit events together, think through what was transpiring, imagine what lay ahead. We compared our time, offered observations to scientists, reporters and public, then planned for what we might do when released. For much of this time, we did what you are doing now: chilled.

However, from that experience flowed lessons. Some apply today at this unique moment in American and world history.  We are not just back from the moon, although many may feel as displaced as if on the moon. Still, post-moon quarantine was educational.

First, we realized life is not always lived at light speed. Sometimes, bounded by times of excitement, we must slow.  Slowing permits a look back on what have been doing, a chance to calibrate past events, consider how best to move forward.  That kind of pause is seldom voluntarily but can be a well-disguised blessing.

Going out and back to the moon, we knew we had completed an important mission.  We knew we were lucky.  Success is part planning, part preparing for the unplanned, part good fortune.

We had experienced all three. Quarantine gave us time to reflect on the fact.  Our training served us well.  When the lunar module’s ascent engine’s circuit breaker snapped, we improvised using a simple pen to ignite the engine. That was unplanned, but it worked.

On moon landing, we had to recalibrate quickly. We landed half a mile from the planned site. Neil’s piloting, crew coordination, and luck got us down — less than 30 seconds of fuel left.  Call it what you wish, but we were fortunate.  In quarantine, we reflected on our blessings.

Second, we got a chance to share perceptions with each other, just among ourselves.  We had the benefit of learning from and appreciating each other being sounding boards, cross-check, and corroboration for shared experiences.

That second advantage of isolation may seem small, weighed against boredom, frustration, and emotions tied to anticipating release, but shared experience offers room for mutual reflection, appreciation and affirmation of events. That, too, is a blessing.

Last, in containment we looked ahead, planning for what came next.  We used time to reflect but also to imagine the future, when doors reopened.  We contemplated returning to freedom to socialize, travel, be part of that world we had left behind just as we do today.

Call these simple observations, but we have a chance with “time on our hands” to appreciate those with whom we are going through this, in some cases helping them do so.  And we can look ahead with purpose.  Small matters, but true all the same.

Last, we should laugh, now and then. Faced with frustration, restraint, stress, adversity, and boredom, laughter helps.  Leaving the moon, I noted we seemed to be “No. 1 on the runway,” a throwaway.  Laughter helps defuse stress.  On return, we looked back, around and forward.  We also laughed, just look at us in those quarantine photos.

In this vein, my bottom line. Like many of you, I aim to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19, so am self-quarantining. Like you, no moon rocks surround me now.  Unlike when we walked on the moon and the world looked up, today I look up to Americans, pulling together to pull through.  Together, we will return to where we started, safe and grateful for each other and for this great country.

For now, let’s say we take one small step to produce another giant leap for America. Having taken “social distancing” to practicality at the moon, today’s quarantine seems manageable.

Together, we will get through this. Together, we will again look back and marvel at what we have done.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Kwiecień 26, 2020, 23:53
Czy tak wygląda kwarantanna , a może reklama w czasach pandemii ?

2:29 PM · 22 kwi 2020 https://twitter.com/TheRealBuzz/status/1252937535011110913
Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz Enjoying some vintage Life Magazines from 1969. Savor life...it goes by way too fast.
Photo Copyrights: ©AncaFaur & Buzz Aldrin Ventures LLC

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Maj 10, 2020, 01:44
Hear Buzz Aldrin tell the story of the first moon landing
Science Museum
In February 2016 Aldrin came to the Science Museum in London to tell the story of the historic mission in his own words.

Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Czerwiec 04, 2020, 04:24
Buzz Aldrin: After SpaceX launch, we must reach for the moon again and Mars
Buzz Aldrin Your turn | Opinion  Published 11:47 AM EDT Jun 3, 2020

Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin waves as he is introduced to the crowd on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing Saturday, July 20, 2019, at the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at Kennedy Space Center Craig Bailey/FLORIDA TODAY

The future is bright. America is back in the human space launch game. SpaceX successfully launched the “Demo-2 Crew Dragon” rocket from Pad 39A at Cape Canaveral, taking two astronauts up to the International Space Station.

There is much to be proud of in that launch that took off from the same launch pad that sent Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and myself to the moon. Now, looking forward, we need to get back to human space exploration.

When the Apollo 11 crew launched on our Saturn 5 rocket and headed for the moon, Americans gathered to celebrate not just an American launch — we had sent astronauts up 19 times by then — but a launch aimed at landing men on the moon.

That is what should come next: American human missions back to the moon, followed in short order by a long-promised and repeatedly re-engineered human mission to Mars.

If getting to Mars will require refining launch trajectories, reentry speeds, radiation protection, and assuring human life support for the duration, getting to the moon should be simpler — and likely require space-based infrastructure that is simpler and more direct than current plans. 

These goals stand before us as inviting, thought prompting, wonder-filled, and compelling of this generation as a full moon on the horizon. We know that we are explorers at heart, and that means taking action to get there.   

For those who do not see the difference, consider the difference between simply sailing and planting feet on a distant destination, between simple fishing sloops and the august Mayflower, between early barnstormers and Lindberg’s decision to cross the Atlantic in the Spirit of St Louis.

Putting geopolitics and national security to one side — although both matter and will more in the future — we humans are born explorers. We first learn to walk and yearn to go somewhere, then to run, cycle and drive — always with a destination in sight. Some of us learned to fly, and of that group some learned to pilot spaceships into orbit. A few of us became lunar module pilots, taking a spacecraft down to the moon from lunar orbit — at which point, we again used walking skills.

Just as the other side of the room or your town, city, state or country grows familiar, so too does Earth orbit. At first exciting, invigorating, and a source of danger and reward, in time the process and location become familiar to a nation. New goals must be set, planned for, achieved. That is the timeless nature of American  and human exploration.

That is also why the steps America first took 59 years ago with Alan Shepherd’s suborbital launch — followed by more than 160 other Americans human launches — were both important in themselves and steppingstones to a more challenging future.

We explore, or we expire.   

Our launch on May 30 of Americans on an American rocket was important.  Now, we must reach higher, go further, strike camp in Earth orbit, and send pioneering wagons and SpaceX dragons to other inclinations — begin exploring the moon and Mars in person and in earnest.

The truth is that humankind loves to explore, needs to explore, and now has the technology, accumulated history in space, and power to explore.

I was as exhilarated, inspired and gratified as any to see an American rocket again carrying American astronauts — two distinguished former Space Shuttle crew — from American soil into space. But the future for America and those who will “come in peace for all mankind” to more distant destinations is to look past Earth orbit and again toward the moon and Mars.

On some distant day, from the Plymouth Rock or Cape Canaveral of those far-off places, future American explorers will once again look and reach outward. There is no end to human exploration if we will listen to our hearts and keep taking our next steps.

The future is bright. The recent SpaceX launch reminds us America’s destiny is out there waiting for us!
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 03, 2021, 13:42
NASA Astronaut Buzz Aldrin talks about UFO Sighting - Larry King CNN
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 21, 2021, 01:19
Dr. Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz
How is that #InaugurationDay (https://abs.twimg.com/hashflags/US_InaugurationDay_2021/US_InaugurationDay_2021.png) Day always competes with my Birthday!  Today I’m 91 sweeps around the Sun, and living a good, healthy life.
12:39 AM · 21 sty 2021   https://twitter.com/TheRealBuzz/status/1352038011656138754
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Luty 18, 2021, 22:38
#Perseverance pays off!
10:02 PM · 18 lut 2021  https://twitter.com/TheRealBuzz/status/1362507746931793920
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Kwiecień 07, 2021, 02:50


Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Wrzesień 17, 2021, 08:22
 Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz
Congratulations to @inspiration4x and @SpaceX launch! The World is inspired by the recent entrepreneurial, exceptional, tireless efforts for the furtherance of Human SpaceFlight. I am with you in thoughts and spirit.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: mss w Styczeń 20, 2022, 18:10



Składamy Buzz Aldrin życzenia z powodu 92-lecia urodzin.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 20, 2022, 18:31
Buzz Aldrin interview | Apollo 11 Moon Landing | Man From the Moon | This Week | 1973


Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 20, 2022, 18:42
Buzz Aldrin Dancing With the Stars

Buzz Aldrin's last dance with the Stars
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: ekoplaneta w Styczeń 20, 2022, 21:43
Dziś Edwin Aldrin kończy 92 lata. Na jego profilu na Facebooku można składać życzenia.  :)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 20, 2022, 23:08
Przed Jego 39. urodzinami świat poznał załogę Apollo 11
Dr. Buzz Aldrin@TheRealBuzz·9 sty
53 years ago today, NASA formally announced Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins, and I as the prime crew for our nation's inaugural lunar landing. It was an tremendous privilege to join my crewmates on the mission of a lifetime. I will never forget this special moment.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Wrzesień 09, 2022, 04:19
God bless #QueenElizabeth, a gracious leader, lady, and our host on return from the moon. On behalf of the Apollo 11 crew, Godspeed and God bless the Royal Family. Sincere condolences.
p osobistości: https://www.forum.kosmonauta.net/index.php?topic=3483.msg178632#msg178632
w Apollo 11 https://www.forum.kosmonauta.net/index.php?topic=184.msg178633#msg178633
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: artpoz w Styczeń 20, 2023, 17:13
Dziś 93 lata skończył Buzz Aldrin!
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 20, 2023, 22:35
Przy okazji można dodać, że Buzz wyprzedaje historyczne artefakty.
20 janvier
Joyeux anniversaire (93) à @TheRealBuzz 🎂🎂🎂
(Gemini 12 et Apollo 11 - 2ème homme à marcher sur la Lune - 12 jours 01 heure 52 minutes dans l'espace dont 4h40 dans le vide spatial en 2 EVA)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 21, 2023, 21:04
Obchody urodzin zakończyły się zawarciem kolejnego związku małżeńskiego.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Luty 24, 2023, 22:49
Obecnie dr Buzz Aldrin jest na trzecim miejscu pod względem wieku wśród żyjących astronautów.
Przemawia na Space Council UAG.
Buzz Aldrin Addresses the National Space Council Users’ Advisory Group (Full Length)
NASA Video 1 day ago
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Marzec 01, 2023, 07:39
Spotkania z prezydentami
#PresidentsDay allows us to recognize our Commanders-in-Chief and I’ve had the honor of meeting and talking with several Presidents over the years. Though I’m sure the job is rewarding, I can only imagine how tough it is.
Trump revives National Space Council

President Obama Honors the Astronauts of Apollo 11


2) 16.04.23)
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Maj 07, 2023, 21:46
Z najwyższą wdzięcznością, dziękuję @usairforce za awans z pułkownika na generała brygady. Moim rodakom, Amerykanom, dziękuję za zaufanie, jakim mnie obdarzyliście. Złożyłem przysięgę naszemu krajowi, której nigdy nie złamię. Moim wielkim przywilejem było służyć naszemu narodowi i zrobię to ponownie, jeśli mnie wezwą.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Czerwiec 17, 2023, 23:51
10 lat temu, 17.06.2013, Buzz w czasie wizyty na Międzynarodowym Salonie Lotniczym w Paryżu (Salon International de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace, Paris-Le Bourget) podpisywał swoją książkę.

It’s been 73 years this week since the start of the Korean War…a war that I know all too well. I visited Osan Air Force Base, South Korea about a decade ago, along with 7 other Korean War Aces. Here, I am inside an A-10 Thunderbolt II simulator at the base. The war was brutal and we saw great valor but also many lives sacrificed. Let’s not let this war be forgotten.

This 4th of July, we also have an opportunity to recognize the 160th anniversaries of both Gettysburg and Vicksburg, two titanic clashes that changed the course of our Civil War. Ordeal and challenge define who we are as a nation and a people as much as victory and success.
Happy 247th Birthday America! The 4th of July is a time to relax, enjoy the fireworks, celebrate our founding and cherish our unique and exceptional nation with family and friends. Have a safe and wonderful holiday and God Bless America! #HappyFourthOfJuly
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Lipiec 20, 2023, 09:28
#Apollo11 launch day, 54th anniversary. 🇺🇸🚀🌛Steak and eggs today celebrating in style at home with my Anca.
8:18 PM · Jul 14, 2023
Today happens to be National Collector Car Appreciation Day, an occasion to celebrate our love for the old classics. In fact, there’s a great and colorful history of astronauts and the legendary Corvette – only in America! I’d love to hear your stories of timeless rides!
Today is #StarTrekDay…a day to recognize its television debut on September 8, 1966. Over the years I’ve gotten to know many of the actors. Here I’m with George Takei, aka Hikaru Sulu, where he helps me with my Vulcan salute. 🖖 Have a great Friday everyone and “Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before”.

Wishing everyone a fantastic Labor Day holiday! For those who put in the long hours, always drive hard towards an objective, and stay laser-focused on the tasks necessary for success, this day is for you. I hope you all have a great and relaxing day off – you’ve earned it!!
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Grudzień 03, 2023, 21:36
Buzz Aldrin uczestniczył w uroczystości odsłonięcia pomnika z brązu ku jego czci w kampusie badawczo-rozwojowym i edukacyjnym znanego jako Texas A&M-RELLIS.
Tutaj Buzz Aldrin szkolił się i nauczał.
Posąg Aldrina został wyrzeźbiony przez artystę z Navasoty J. Payne Lara i stoi wzdłuż Avenue D przed nowo odnowioną kaplicą RELLIS.


Buzz Aldrin Celebration

An honor to be honored by statue of my younger self at Rellis, Texas A&M, and to speak up with gratitude to all America’s veterans this weekend. We are a great and good nation.

Blessed for time on Veterans’ Day at Texas A&M with seasoned Space Shuttle astronauts, left to right - Nancy J. Currie-Gregg, Bonnie J. Dunbar, and Michael E. Fossum. God bless you for your service!

2) O zdrowiu Buzza Aldrina

3) Buzz Aldrin's jacket from the Apollo 11 Moon mission sells for record-breaking price at auction
Posted Wed 27 Jul 2022 at 12:47am
The in-flight jacket astronaut worn by Buzz Aldrin on the 1969 mission to the Moon has sold for almost $US2.8 million ($4 million), setting a new record.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 20, 2024, 23:42
Buzz Aldrin (http://lk.astronautilus.pl/astros/30.htm) został 5. uczestnikiem lotów kosmicznych, który świętował co najmniej 94. urodziny. Obecnie 2. z nich żyje.
For those who know their space history, the Nixon years saw quite a bit of activity and transition regarding our space program.  The Apollo program achieved both its apex and its end during his administration – but on January 5th of ’72, President Nixon also signed the bill that funded the effort to build and test the #NASA space shuttle, which served America for decades to come. January also happens to be the birthday month of the two fellas in this photo!!
A very happy birthday to spaceflight legend Buzz Aldrin! 🥳
Aldrin—the pilot for Gemini XII, lunar module pilot for Apollo 11, and one of the first two humans to set foot on the Moon—turns 94 today! Here's to many more happy orbits around the Sun.
20 January 1930. Birth of Buzz Aldrin (born Edwin Eugene Aldrin, Jr.). American mechanical engineer, USAF pilot and astronaut who was the Lunar Module pilot on Apollo 11, first manned lunar landing in history.
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Adam.Przybyla w Styczeń 21, 2024, 13:21
... jak gosc przejdzie na druga strone, bedzie baaardzo trudno wytlumaczyc komukolwiek, ze ameryka byla na Ksiezycu.
Artemis bedzie dalej zajmowal sie nieksiezycowymi sprawami, czytaj przeplywem kasy na projekty absolutnie nie zwiazne
z powrotem na Ksiezyc, technologia zanika, a nie mozna jej po prostu kupic ... bo czasami kasa nie ma wartosci ;-)
Za kilka lat ktos spojrzy na to z boku, nie majac swiadomosci o pewnych faktach, ktore specjalisci oczywiscie caly czas
biora pod uwage, i stwierdzi ... ze to byl fake. 
Z powazaniem
                     Adam Przybyla
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Styczeń 21, 2024, 13:40
Nieco inna strona kultowej postaci
Buzz Aldrin amerykański aktor, urodzony w 1930, znany z Transformers 3, Apollo 11, Let Lorenzo.
Dane personalne:
wiek:94 lata
data urodzenia:20 stycznia 1930
miejsce urodzenia: Montclair, New Jersey, USA
wzrost: 178 cm

2023 saw America log some notable accomplishments in space, including on Mars with both the @NASA Ingenuity helicopter and @MarsCuriosity rover. Ingenuity set some records on flight and speed and Curiosity keeps capturing some great imagery of the Red Planet. I’m looking forward to more good stuff in ’24!

Always ready to rise to the Challenge!  🫡🛩️
Thanks a million to the crew and distinguished company for a very pleasant journey today, by flying us from East to West across our beautiful country.
Photo credit: Anca Aldrin

I can’t believe that the @usairforce F-16 Fighting Falcon has been flying for 50 years. I had a chance to fly in one a few years ago with the excellent @AFThunderbirds. It is an amazing and agile plane – sleek and sharp and has definitely aged well. Time certainly flies – as fast as jet aircraft!! Happy #Viper50
Tytuł: Odp: Buzz Aldrin
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Orionid w Luty 19, 2024, 11:07
Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei – titans in the world’s history of science, engineering and astronomy – both celebrate their birthdays in mid-February (the 15th for Galileo and the 19th for Copernicus). Of course, Galileo would be imprisoned for his steadfast championing of Copernican heliocentrism, the idea that the Earth revolves around the Sun. It has been several centuries since they passed, but we’re still learning from them.

Wishing all of you a blessed and Happy Easter on this sacred and holy day. To you and yours, have a wonderful and fulfilling holiday!