W czasie misji astronauta prowadził badania botaniczne, który sprawiły, że po raz pierwszy w kosmosie wyhodowane zostały pomidory.
https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1734318406881411234After a tomato vanished from the International Space Station, the NASA astronaut Frank Rubio said he spent hours looking for it, seeking to prove he had not eaten it. Months later, his name was cleared. “We found the tomato,” another astronaut said.
Houston, we have a tomato: ISS astronauts locate missing fruit (or vegetable)DECEMBER 10, 2023 6:05 AM ET
(...) "I put [the tomato] in a little bag, and one of my crewmates was doing [an] event with some schoolkids, and I thought it'd be kind of cool to show the kids, 'Hey guys, this is the first tomato harvested in space,' " he said. "Then, I was pretty confident that I Velcroed it where I was supposed to Velcro it, and then I came back and it was gone."
Rubio estimated he spent between 8 and 20 hours of his own time searching for the lost fruit. (Whether tomatoes are fruits or vegetables depends on who you ask. In the 19th century, the Supreme Court came down on the side of vegetables — sort of.) (...)
https://www.npr.org/2023/12/10/1218418262/missing-tomato-international-space-stationhttps://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/11/science/space/tomato-found-nasa.htmlhttps://www.focus.pl/artykul/astronauci-znalezli-pomidora-w-kosmosiehttps://twitter.com/ISS_Research/status/1735383755190354213One small step for tomatoes, one giant leap for plant-kind. 🍅
Two rogue tomatoes were recovered after roaming on station for nearly a year. NASA Astronaut Frank Rubio accidentally lost the fruit while harvesting for XROOTS, a soil-less plant experiment. http://go.nasa.gov/3th4Y3a
https://twitter.com/ASE_Astronauts/status/1734242075732816358#HappyBirthday to ASE member Frank Rubio, who first flew to space in 2022 aboard Soyuz MS-22 as part of an expedition to the @Space_Station (Expedition 67/68/69)!
https://twitter.com/NASA/status/1712891728795947062Live: Astronaut Frank Rubio talks about his record-breaking @ISS_Research mission aboard the @Space_Station, and re-adjusting to life on Earth after spending 371 days in space. Have questions for Frank? Use #AskNASA.
https://twitter.com/NASA_Astronauts/status/1645533030365241346200 days in orbit! Astronaut Frank Rubio hit this incredible milestone yesterday.
https://twitter.com/NASA_Astronauts/status/1602076733347434497Happy Birthday to NASA Astronaut Frank Rubio! Here’s to 82 days in space…and many more! 🥳
Astronaut Frank Rubio's Post-Flight Update (Official NASA Briefing)NASA astronaut Frank Rubio holds the record for the longest single spaceflight by an American. His mission aboard the International Space Station lasted 371 days. Before becoming an astronaut, Rubio was a physician, flight surgeon, and helicopter pilot. #HispanicHeritageMonth