Wychodzi na to , że scrub nastąpił z powodu braku czasu na operacje związane ze startem z powodu zamknięcia okna startowego.
Jutro pogoda ma być o wiele gorsza (dziś 95%).
Mamy już zatem 7. termin startu od 4 sierpnia.
Okno startowe będzie otwarte przez 65 minut.
Parker Solar Probe New Launch Date is Aug. 12Linda Herridge Posted on August 11, 2018
The launch of a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket carrying the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft was scrubbed today due to a violation of a launch limit, resulting in a hold. There was not enough time remaining in the window to recycle.
The launch is planned for Sunday, Aug. 12 from Space Launch Complex-37 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The forecast shows a 60 percent chance of favorable weather conditions for launch. The launch time is 3:31 a.m. EDT.
https://blogs.nasa.gov/parkersolarprobe/2018/08/11/parker-solar-probe-new-launch-date-is-aug-12/Launch of solar probe scrubbed by technical issue in terminal countdownAugust 11, 2018 Stephen Clark
(...) A problem early in the countdown caused a 20-minute delay from Saturday’s original launch time of 3:33 a.m. EDT (0733 GMT), then a data stream issue further delayed the Delta 4-Heavy’s takeoff time to 4:28 a.m. EDT (0828 GMT).
The countdown picked up from a hold at T-minus 4 minutes, but a member of the launch team announced a gaseous helium regulator alarm at T-minus 1 minute, 55 seconds. There was not enough time remaining in the launch window Saturday to resolve the alarm, so launch managers declared a scrub for the day.
In a brief statement, ULA said the launch was scrubbed “due to a violation of a launch limit, resulting in a hold.” (...)