Parker Solar Probe: drugie peryhelium BY KRZYSZTOF KANAWKA ON 10 KWIETNIA 2019
(...) W nocy z 4 na 5 kwietnia 2019 sonda przeszła przez drugie peryhelium orbity. Parametry tego peryhelium było takie same jak pierwszego zbliżenia do Słońca. (...) Solar Probe Makes Second Fiery Flyby of the SunBy Paul Scott Anderson, on April 4th, 2019
(...) NASA’s Parker Solar Probe (PSP) made its
second close approach of the Sun yesterday – the closest that any spacecraft has ever flown past any star.
PSP passed through the outermost layers of the Sun’s atmosphere, the corona, at 213,000 mph, coming within 15 million miles of the Sun itself. Closest approach, called perihelion, occurred at 6:40 p.m. EDT. PSP began this phase of the mission back on March 30, 2019, and it will last until April 10.
All four suites of scientific instruments are currently operational and will collect science data from within the Sun’s corona as the probe passes through.
Due to its close proximity however, PSP has been out of radio contact with Earth since March 30, since it must keep its heat shield oriented toward the Sun during the encounter. After this mission phase is completed, it will resume contact and send the data back to Earth over several weeks, as it did during the first close approach. PSP has been designed specifically to withstand the searing temperatures and powerful gravity it experiences from being so close to the Sun. (...)