Juno Extended Mission
- Juno is approved for an extended mission from August 2021 until September 2025. NASA expects that the mission end-of-life will occur during this period.
- Juno will continue observations of the Jovian system as the spacecraft’s periapsis processes northward and to lower altitudes. Juno will utilize additional propulsive maneuvers to perform close flybys of Ganymede, Europa, and Io.
- Juno will continue to explore major scientific questions related to Jupiter’s interior, structure, and atmosphere, including the polar vortices, the magnetic ‘Great Blue Spot,’ water abundances, and the Jovian aurorae, focusing on observations enabled as the periapsis moves northward.
- The EM will add targeted observations of three of Jupiter’s large satellites. Imaging observations will search for changes since Voyager and Galileo, and observations with the spacecraft’s Microwave Radiometer will explore Europa’s ice shell. In situ measurements of Jupiter’s ring system will explore their structure and characterize their dust population.