"Przyczyną dwugodzinnego opóźnienia lądowania była "utrata altimetru laserowego (zapomniano z niego zdjąć osłonę przeciwpyłową przed startem!)"
No bez jaj
Ja polegam tylko na tym, co pisano na NSF, samej konferencji nie oglądałem:
1. Oh God, they forgot to turn off the eye safety switch on the laser range finders!
2. Did I hear correctly? they forgot removing dust cover from lidar before launch?
3. When we went around the night before and made the first laser range measurement it looked like there was a measurement but morning of landing determined there was no software driven means to enable it.
oraz co napisała taka uznana persona, jak Jonathan McDowell:
It was discovered during tests of the system near perilune that the
prime laser rangefinders did not work because of a misconfiguration
during launch processing; controllers delayed the landing for an orbit
while converting the software to use the experimental NDL system for
altitude data.
Teraz sobie sami wybierzcie prawidłową wersję