14.12.1972: tablica pamiątkowa Apollo 17, przymocowana do przedniej nogi modułu księżycowego Challenger.
https://twitter.com/ron_eisele/status/1735023930870530062Apollo 17 commemorative plaque, fixed to the forward landing leg of Lunar Module Challenger.

"And, as we leave the Moon, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind."
—Gene Cernan at the end of the final moonwalk.
Apollo 17 astronauts Cernan and Schmitt successfully lifted off from the lunar surface #OTD in 1972.
https://x.com/NASAhistory/status/17353251207746890092) 14.12.1972 o 22.54.37 UTC stopień wzlotowy Apollo 17 wystartował z doliny Taurus-Littrow.
Odlot został uchwycony przez kamerę telewizyjną łazika księżycowego pozostawioną na powierzchni Księżyca.
14 December 1972. 22.54.37 UTC. The Apollo 17 ascent stage launched from the Taurus-Littrow Valley. The departure was captured by the Lunar Rover’s television camera, left behind on the surface of the Moon.
https://twitter.com/ron_eisele/status/1735024088643457316On December 14, 1972, the Apollo 17 lunar module "Challenger" departed the Moon with Harrison Schmitt and Gene Cernan, the last astronauts on the Moon. LM liftoff was captured by a TV camera on the LRV that was left behind. More on how it was done: https://s.si.edu/4gx1lsM
https://x.com/airandspace/status/18681213003899907683) 16.12.1972 początek podróży powrotnej Apollo 17.

1,452 days after Apollo 8 left lunar orbit Apollo 17's TEI burn, OTD in 1972, begins the journey home. Apollo's 'up close and personal' exploration of the Moon had encompassed 3 years 11 months & 21 days...or 47+ lunar months. An era of discovery that ended 51 years ago today!
https://x.com/aisoffice/status/173592982834218219917.12.1972 Ronald Evans wykonał , jak na razie, ostatni spacer kosmiczny poza LEO
https://www.forum.kosmonauta.net/index.php?topic=1211.msg112793#msg11279319.12.1972 zakończył się księżycowy program Apollo