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« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: Wrzesień 15, 2017, 11:51 »
W niedzielę powraca z wnętrza habitatu załoga, która w ramach 8-miesięcznego eksperymentu przebywała w izolacji w ramach projektu HI-SEAS.

NASA space psychology subjects ending 8 months of isolation
September 15, 2017 by Caleb Jones

This Jan. 19, 2017, photo released by the University of Hawaii shows the university's Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS) crew members, from left, Joshua Ehrlich, Mission Specialist, Biology, Laura Lark, Mission Specialist, Information Technology and Outreach, Samuel Payler, Science Officer, Brian Ramos, Health and Performance Officer, James Bevington, Commander, and Ansley Barnard, Engineering Officer outside the HI-SEAS facility at the Mauna Loa volcano, Big Island, Hawaii. After eight months of living in isolation on a remote Hawaii volcano, six NASA-backed space psychology research subjects will emerge from their Mars-like habitat on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2017. The participants are in a study designed to better understand the psychological impacts of a long-term manned mission to space on astronauts. (University of Hawaii via AP)

(...) The crew played games designed to measure their compatibility and stress levels. And when they got overwhelmed by being in such close proximity to teach other, they could use virtual reality devices to escape to tropical beaches or other familiar landscapes.

The project's lead investigator, University of Hawaii professor Kim Binsted, said the crew members also kept written logs about how they were feeling.

"This is our fifth mission, and we have learned a lot over those five missions. We've learned, for one thing, that conflict, even in the best of teams, is going to arise," Binsted said. "So what's really important is to have a crew that, both as individuals and a group, is really resilient, is able to look at that conflict and come back from it." (...)

The project is the fifth in a series of six NASA-funded studies at the University of Hawaii facility called the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation, or HI-SEAS. NASA has dedicated about $2.5 million to the studies at the facility. (...)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 26, 2022, 17:59 wysłana przez Maquis »

Offline Orionid

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« Odpowiedź #16 dnia: Wrzesień 21, 2017, 08:06 »

Link do materiału:

Six emerge from 8-mo Mars experiment in Hawaii dome
by Staff Writers , Miami (AFP) Sept 19, 2017

Six people have emerged from an isolated dome in Hawaii where they spent the past eight months on a mock Mars mission, living in close quarters, eating dried foods and trying to get along.

The experiment, run by the University of Hawaii, was the fifth of its kind aimed at helping scientists iron out the fights and inter-personal conflicts that are certain to arise among astronauts embarking on any long mission to deep space.

The four men and two women emerged from their dome on Sunday, eager for a taste of fresh fruit, home-cooked dinners and the feeling of fresh air on their faces.

"For me one of the things I missed from home was Portuguese cooking," said crew member Brian Ramos, in a video broadcast by CBS News.

The program is funded by NASA, which hopes to send the first astronauts to the Red Planet sometime in the 2030s.

That eventual crew's ability to get along -- and its mix of personalities -- will be key to a fruitful mission, said Kim Binsted, who leads the research for the University of Hawaii's Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS).

"Having some variety is a good thing," she said in the video aired by CBS.

"In a sense we are trying to put together a tool box for Mars and if you have a tool box you don't fill it up with hammers -- even if they are the best hammers in the solar system."

Binsted said that while conflict is inevitable, overall, the latest crew did well when it came to their key tasks.

Scientists monitored the team's face-to-face interactions for signs of emotional conflict, and gave them virtual reality headsets to manage stress.

To make the experiment more realistic to conditions in space, crew members had to don spacesuits anytime they exited the dome, located on a remote slope in Mauna Loa.

They were also able to email friends and family, but with a 20-minute delay.

The next eight-month long HI-SEAS experiment starts in January 2018.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 26, 2022, 17:59 wysłana przez Maquis »

Offline Adam.Przybyla

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Odp: Misje analogowe (zbiorczo)
« Odpowiedź #17 dnia: Październik 05, 2017, 13:01 »
Pozdrowienia z rozowego swiata po 90 dniach:

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Odp: Misje analogowe (zbiorczo)
« Odpowiedź #18 dnia: Październik 05, 2017, 14:26 »
Pozdrowienia z rozowego swiata po 90 dniach:

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Polskie Forum Astronautyczne

Odp: Misje analogowe (zbiorczo)
« Odpowiedź #18 dnia: Październik 05, 2017, 14:26 »

Offline Adam.Przybyla

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« Odpowiedź #19 dnia: Październik 16, 2017, 18:31 »
100 dni i dalej zyja ...

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« Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 26, 2022, 18:00 wysłana przez Maquis »

Offline Orionid

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« Odpowiedź #20 dnia: Listopad 12, 2017, 22:09 »
Russia locks up six for Moon flight simulation
November 7, 2017

The crew includes five Russians and one German

Three men and three women were sealed in an artificial spacecraft unit in Moscow on Tuesday in a simulation of a 17-day flight to the Moon, a preparation for long-term missions.

The experiment is the first of several in the SIRIUS (Scientific International Research In a Unique terrestrial Station) programme, which over the course of five years will gradually increase the isolation experiment to 365 days.

Russia's Institute for Biomedical Problems has partnered with NASA for the project that recreates the conditions for a flight to the Moon, one loop around it and a trip back to Earth.

Oleg Orlov, the head of the project, said it would run parallel to the development of deep space aircraft.
"By mid-2020s we will probably be ready for the actual flight," he told AFP.

Among the goals of the experiment is finding out what gender ratio is optimal for a long-term space mission, he said.

"This is the first time in Russian or Soviet history when a space crew has included more than one woman," the project's psychologist Vadim Gushchin told AFP.

Most of the crew are researchers or cosmonauts in training from Russia. There is only one foreigner: a German.

The team has been locked in a 250 cubic metre (8,800 cubic feet) module after promising to do everything to complete their mission, which will also examine psychological and physical effects of isolation.

"I'm convinced that we'll be able to complete all of our tasks," said commander Mark Serov, before disappearing into the unit.

Russia has completed a number of on-land isolation experiments, including locking three men in a 24 cubic metre metal box for a year in 1967.

The most recent long-term on-land mission was a simulated flight to Mars which locked an international crew of six men in a module for 520 days, ending in November 2011.

© 2017 AFP
« Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 26, 2022, 18:00 wysłana przez Maquis »

Offline Orionid

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« Odpowiedź #21 dnia: Listopad 12, 2017, 22:10 »
All-female Russian crew starts Moon mission test
October 28, 2015

(...) The test period simulates a flight to the Moon and back, with the women carrying out 10 experiments covering psychology and human biology. (...)

They plan to spend their 1 1/2 hours per day of free time watching films, reading and playing board games.

Team leader Yelena Luchnitskaya said she expected the women to deal with any conflict. (...)

Russian women finish test on space flight confinement
November 6, 2015 byKatherine Jacobsen

From left, Daria Komissarova, Tatyana Shuguyeva, Polina Kuznetsova, Inna Nosikova, Anna Kussmaul and Elena Luchitskaya answer questions after the eight-day imitation flight to the moon at a mock-up spaceship, in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Nov. 6, 2015. The six-woman crew climbed into a grounded space capsule last week to imitate a lunar flight and test the effects of confinement and stress that come with space travel. While Russia's space medicine center has conducted similar experiments in the past, this is the first time the crew was all female. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)

(...) Asked whether she missed the comforts of regular life, such as showering and sweets, while in confinement, crewmember Anna Kussmaul told reporters she was more concerned about her family.

"Not knowing what was going on in their lives for eight days bothered me a lot more than not having shampoo, or chocolate," Kussmaul said. The women were not allowed to take their cellphones with them and communicated exclusively with the medicine center's command crew which monitored all of their activities and conversations. (...)

Inna Nosikova exits a mock-up spaceship after an eight-day imitation flight to the moon, in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Nov. 6, 2015. The six-woman crew climbed into a grounded space capsule last week to imitate a lunar flight and test the effects of confinement and stress that come with space travel. While Russia's space medicine center has conducted similar experiments in the past, this is the first time the crew was all female. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 26, 2022, 18:00 wysłana przez Maquis »

Offline Adam.Przybyla

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Odp: Misje analogowe (zbiorczo)
« Odpowiedź #22 dnia: Listopad 14, 2017, 13:55 »
Biosfera w puszce:
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« Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 26, 2022, 18:00 wysłana przez Maquis »

Offline Orionid

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« Odpowiedź #23 dnia: Grudzień 30, 2017, 22:46 »
Zamiast misji na Marsa możemy mieć jej symulację na ISS.

Why Not Use the Space Station as a Mars Mission Simulator?

The ISS4Mars project would help astronauts get ready to venture farther from home.
By Elizabeth Howell November 20, 2017

“[This will] not be a collection of individual experiments, but a fully-fledged simulation where all the gathered knowledge will come together for the first complete simulated Mars voyage,” said Cesare Lobascio, a space infrastructure systems lead at Thales. The advantage of such an exercise, he added, is that, in the event something went wrong, the astronauts could break simulation and return home safely within hours. That won’t be an option on a Mars expedition.

Mars-bound astronauts are likely to follow different schedules than do the crews in Earth orbit. For example, while station astronauts typically exercise for two hours a day to fight the debilitating effects of microgravity, they may need more treadmill time on a Mars mission. Station astronauts typically have some difficulty walking when they re-enter normal gravity after long missions. On Mars, where the gravity is one third that of Earth, they’d likely have to start working immediately upon arrival.

Offline Adam.Przybyla

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« Odpowiedź #24 dnia: Styczeń 07, 2018, 11:02 »
KOlejny analog dziala w Brazylii w Caiçara do Rio do Vento:
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« Odpowiedź #25 dnia: Styczeń 27, 2018, 08:04 »
4. chińskich studentów zakończyło 200-dniowy pobyt w analogowej bazie

Chinese volunteers spend 200 days on virtual 'moon base'
January 26, 2018

Four volunteers lived in the sealed lab to simulate a long-term space mission with no input from the outside world

Chinese students spent 200 continuous days in a "lunar lab" in Beijing, state media said Friday, as the country prepares for its long-term goal of putting people on the moon.

Four students crammed into a 160-square-metre (1,720-square-foot) cabin called "Yuegong-1"—Lunar Palace—on the campus of Beihang University, testing the limits of humans' ability to live in a self-contained space, the official Xinhua news agency said.  (...)

Two men and two women entered for an initial stay of 60 days. They were then relieved by another group of four, who stayed 200 days.

The initial group will now return for an additional 105, Xinhua said.
The "Lunar Palace" has two plant cultivation modules and a living cabin: 42 square metres containing four sleeping cubicles, a common room, a bathroom, a waste-treatment room and a room for raising animals.
A successful 105-day trial was conducted in 2014. (...)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 26, 2022, 18:01 wysłana przez Maquis »

Offline Orionid

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« Odpowiedź #26 dnia: Luty 12, 2018, 15:33 »
Analogowa misja marsjańska AMADEE-18 na pustyni w Omamie

Mars on Earth: Simulation tests in remote desert of Oman

In this Feb. 7, 2018, photo, two scientists test space suits and a geo-radar for use in a future Mars mission in the Dhofar desert of southern Oman. The desolate desert in southern Oman resembles Mars so much that more than 200 scientists from 25 nations organized by the Austrian Space Forum are using it for the next four weeks to field-test technology for a manned mission to Mars. (AP Photo/Sam McNeil)

The Omani government offered to host the Austrian Space Forum's next Mars simulation during a meeting of the United Nation's Committee On the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

Gernot Groemer, commander of the Oman Mars simulation and a veteran of 11 science missions on Earth, said the forum quickly accepted.

Scientists from across the world sent ideas for experiments and the mission, named AMADEE-18, quickly grew to 16 scientific experiments, such as testing a "tumbleweed" whip-fast robot rover and a new spacesuit called Aouda.

The cutting-edge spacesuit, weighing about 50 kilograms (110 pounds), is called a "personal spaceship" because one can breathe, eat and do hard science inside it. The suit's visor displays maps, communications and sensor data. A blue piece of foam in front of the chin can be used to wipe your nose and mouth.

"No matter who is going to this grandest voyage of our society yet to come, I think a few things we learn here will be actually implemented in those missions," Groemer said.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 26, 2022, 18:01 wysłana przez Maquis »

Offline Orionid

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« Odpowiedź #27 dnia: Maj 16, 2018, 06:25 »
Chiński rekord w nieustannym działaniu zamieszkanej bazy analogowej (370 dni). Trzecia załoga przebywała w niej 110 dni.

China Focus: China sets record for longest stay in self-contained moon lab
Source: Xinhua| 2018-05-15 19:37:23|Editor: ZX

BEIJING, May 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese volunteers have completed a one-year test living in a simulated space lab in Beijing, setting a new record for the longest stay in a self-contained cabin.

Four students, two males and two females, emerged from the Yuegong-1, or Lunar Palace 1, at Beihang University to the applause of academicians, researchers and fellow students Tuesday.

The total length of the test, which started on May 10 last year, was 370 days, with the third stage accounting for 110 days.

Liu Hong, chief designer of Yuegong-1, said the test marked the longest stay in a bioregenerative life support system (BLSS), in which humans, animals, plants and microorganisms co-exist in a closed environment, simulating a lunar base. Oxygen, water and food are recycled within the BLSS, creating an Earth-like environment. (...)

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« Odpowiedź #28 dnia: Maj 24, 2018, 14:24 »

Offline Orionid

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« Odpowiedź #29 dnia: Marzec 06, 2019, 04:45 »
A dziś planowane jest zakończenie 2-tygodniowej wyprawy

New international Moon/Mars mission launched at HI-SEAS habitat
February 19, 2019

(...) The crew of six is under the command of UH Mānoa’s Michaela Musilova, chief investigator for HI-SEAS and the International Moonbase Alliance.

Musilova said, “These missions are open to researchers around the world to take part in, provided their research will help contribute to the exploration and colonization of the Moon and Mars.”

Other crew members are:

Annelotte Weert—Dutch geologist, master’s student at VU Amsterdam/ILEWG
Benjamin Pothier—French explorer/anthropology researcher, Plymouth University, Explorers Club member and journalist
Josh Burstein—American journalist, host of Last Glimpse
Nityaporn Sirikan—Thai/British/Italian systems engineer at ESA/ILEWG
Sebastian Mulder—Dutch geochemist, master’s student at VU Amsterdam/ILEWG

New Moon/Mars mission in progress at HI-SEAS habitat
March 3, 2019

The six-member crew at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Hawaiʻi Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS) habitat on the slopes of Mauna Loa on Hawaiʻi Island has been hard at work with geological and drone surveys, lava tube exploration and space technology testing. They have been cooking with shelf stable ingredients and passing some of their free time playing cards.

They are also performing a research experiment designed by high school students in Slovakia who won a Mission to Mars competition last year organized by HI-SEAS and International Moonbase Alliance (IMA) chief investigator Michaela Musilova.

Musilova explained, “It is focused on being able to fertilize soils and grow things like spinach in these soils by using human hair. So it’s a very interesting experiment and the whole crew is going to be part of this.”

Musilova, who is also serving as crew commander, says the mission is off to a “very good start,” in spite of some challenges with power cycling on and off and a temporary “disconnection from Earth.”

Crew systems engineer Nityaporn Sirikan, who works for the European Space Agency (ESA), said, “Yes, when I came here there were quite some challenges in the habitat. We had to do some engineering intervention to fix the problem and now it seems everything is resolved.”

The mission is under the EuroMoonMars initiative, led by the International Lunar Exploration Working Group of ESA in collaboration with the IMA, European Space Research and Technology Centre, Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam and HI-SEAS. It is part of a series of projects led by IMA, which is planning on building a base on the Moon and a prototype moonbase on Hawaiʻi Island.

“I thought it would be an amazing experience to feel how it is like to be an astronaut, not on Earth, but on the Moon or somewhere else in the universe,” said crew member Annelotte Weert, a master’s student at VU Amsterdam. “And to see how you have to live and how you can do science.”

The crew entered the habitat on February 20, 2019. The current mission is scheduled to end on Wednesday, March 6, 2019, at noon. (...)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 26, 2022, 18:01 wysłana przez Maquis »

Polskie Forum Astronautyczne

Odp: Misje analogowe (zbiorczo)
« Odpowiedź #29 dnia: Marzec 06, 2019, 04:45 »