Autor Wątek: Solar Orbiter  (Przeczytany 15960 razy)

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: Luty 10, 2020, 20:19 »
Polecam - trajektoria sondy Solar Orbiter. Dużo tutaj Wenus będzie miała do powiedzenia! :)

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #16 dnia: Luty 10, 2020, 22:06 »
Czy badania Wenus podczas przelotów są planowane?

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #17 dnia: Luty 11, 2020, 08:19 »
Czy badania Wenus podczas przelotów są planowane?

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #18 dnia: Luty 11, 2020, 14:00 »
Czy badania Wenus podczas przelotów są planowane?

Dobre pytanie, sam się zastanawiam.

Raczej nie wydaje mi się - kwestia orientacji sondy względem Słońca oraz odpowiedniego wprowadzenia na nową orbitę wydaje się być ważniejsza.

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #18 dnia: Luty 11, 2020, 14:00 »

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #19 dnia: Luty 13, 2020, 18:51 »
Europejska sonda zbada Słońce
  10.02. o 04:03:00,155 z Cape Canaveral wystrzelona została RN Atlas-5/411, która wyniosła w T+49' 50,8" na orbitę heliocentryczną
sondę kosmiczną ESA SolO (Solar Orbiter).

Rakietowa niedziela i poniedziałek (09-10.02.2020)

Atlas V wynosi Solar Orbiter

Dziesiątego lutego o godzinie 05:03 CET nastąpił start europejsko-amerykańskiej misji Solar Orbiter. Start nastąpił za pomocą rakiety Altas V z wyrzutni LC-41 na Florydzie. Lot przebiegł prawidłowo i sonda została skierowana na odpowiednią orbitę heliocentryczną. Zgodnie z harmonogramem lotu nastąpiło także rozłożenie paneli słonecznych oraz przesłanie potwierdzenia statusu sondy do centrum kontroli misji.

Start misji Solar Orbiter / Credits – European Space Agency, ESA

Misja Solar Orbiter odbywa się z polskim udziałem. Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN odpowiadało za budowę jednostki przetwarzania (instrument digital processing unit) i oprogramowanie niskiego poziomu instrumentu STIX, oraz za jego testy termiczne i naziemne oprzyrządowanie elektryczne.
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Orbita misji Solar Orbiter / Credits – ESA

Polecamy artykuł na temat misji Solar Orbiter.

Atlas 5 for Solar Orbiter launch returns to assembly building for inspections
January 22, 2020 Stephen Clark

The United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket for the Solar Orbiter mission rolled out to Cape Canaveral’s Complex 41 launch pad Tuesday, Jan. 21, for a planned wet dress rehearsal Wednesday. Credit: United Launch Alliance

Photos: Solar Orbiter encapsulated inside launch shroud
January 24, 2020 Stephen Clark

Credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky

ULA team completes countdown practice run before Solar Orbiter launch
January 24, 2020 Stephen Clark

A United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket is pictured during a countdown dress rehearsal Friday at Cape Canaveral’s Complex 41 launch pad. Credit: United Launch Alliance

United Launch Alliance teams loaded super-cold liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen into an Atlas 5 rocket Friday at Cape Canaveral during a countdown dress rehearsal for a planned launch next month with the Solar Orbiter mission, a robotic spacecraft to study the origins of the solar wind and image the sun’s poles for the first time.

The Atlas 5’s wet dress rehearsal Friday at Cape Canaveral’s Complex 41 launch pad served as a practice run of the launch day procedures ULA crews will perform during the real countdown.

The wet dress rehearsal is not part of standard Atlas 5 launch campaigns, but NASA requires the extra test for missions that have limited planetary launch windows. Solar Orbiter is such a mission, and has 19 daily launch opportunities next month beginning Feb. 5 to reach a flyby with Venus in December to use the planet’s gravity to slingshot closer to the sun. (...)

Solar Orbiter launch delayed to Feb. 7
January 26, 2020 Stephen Clark

A United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket — seen without the Solar Orbiter spacecraft on top — completed a practice countdown at Cape Canaveral’s Complex 41 launch pad Friday, Jan. 24. Credit: United Launch Alliance

Officials have delayed the launch of a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket with the European-built Solar Orbiter spacecraft from Cape Canaveral by two days to Feb. 7, a ripple effect from time spent fixing a minor issue last week during a launch vehicle countdown dress rehearsal.

The European Space Agency, which leads the Solar Orbiter mission in partnership with NASA, announced the two-day delay to Feb. 7 on Sunday. The new Solar Orbiter launch window opens at 11:15 p.m. EST on Feb. 7 and extends to 1:15 a.m. on Feb. 8 (0415-0615 GMT on Feb. 8 ). (...)

NASA, Europe space agency launch Solar Orbiter mission
by Paul Brinkmann Washington DC (UPI) Feb 09, 2020

(...) "It's called a hyperbolic escape trajectory," said Scott Messer, program manager for NASA programs at United Launch Alliance. "It actually leaves the gravitational field of the Earth and heads out. It has a couple of gravity assists, a slingshot around Venus, and then it comes back around Earth, and back to Venus."

The reason for the multiple gravity slingshots is that the Solar Orbiter ultimately has to escape the orbital plane of the planets, which circle the sun's equator.

"It's a highly optimized effort that goes on between the spacecraft team and the rocket team. It's a fairly big optimization problem," Messer said. (...)

Weather 90% GO for Solar Orbiter Launch to the Sun Tonight from Florida, Watch Live
By Ben Evans, on February 8th, 2020

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket stands poised to launch the European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter from Cape Canaveral, on a mission in collaboration with NASA to explore the sun and its poles up-close. Photo: ULA

Watch as ULA rolls out their Atlas V rocket with ESA’s Solar Orbiter for launch on Feb 9

Credit: ULA

credit: ESA

Solar Orbiter Launches to the Sun, Kicking Off Ambitious 2020 Manifest for ULA
By Ben Evans, on February 10th, 2020

A United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket carrying Solar Orbiter lifts off from Space Launch Complex-41 at 11:03 p.m. EST on Feb. 9, 2020. Solar Orbiter is an international cooperative mission between ESA and NASA. Photo: ULA

Solar Orbiter in final flight processing in Florida. Photo: Mike Killian /

10 February 2020

Solar Orbiter liftoff. Credit: ESA–S. Corvaja

(...) "As humans, we have always been familiar with the importance of the Sun to life on Earth, observing it and investigating how it works in detail, but we have also long known it has the potential to disrupt everyday life should we be in the firing line of a powerful solar storm,

"By the end of our Solar Orbiter mission, we will know more about the hidden force responsible for the Sun's changing behaviour and its influence on our home planet than ever before."

"Solar Orbiter is going to do amazing things. Combined with the other recently launched NASA missions to study the Sun, we are gaining unprecedented new knowledge about our star,"
said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA’s associate administrator for Science at the agency’s headquarters in Washington.

"Together with our European partners, we’re entering a new era of heliophysics that will transform the study of the Sun and help make astronauts safer as they travel on Artemis program missions to the Moon."

At its closest, Solar Orbiter will face the Sun from within the orbit of Mercury, approximately 42 million kilometres from the solar surface. Cutting-edge heatshield technology will ensure the spacecraft's scientific instruments are protected as the heatshield will endure temperatures of up to 500°C – up to 13 times the heat experienced by satellites in Earth orbit.

"After some twenty years since inception, six years of construction, and more than a year of testing, together with our industrial partners we have established new high-temperature technologies and completed the challenge of building a spacecraft that is ready to face the Sun and study it up close," adds César García Marirrodriga, ESA's Solar Orbiter project manager. (...)

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EDIT 10.02.23
« Ostatnia zmiana: Luty 10, 2025, 09:46 wysłana przez Orionid »

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #20 dnia: Luty 15, 2020, 19:11 »
Photos: Atlas 5 lifts off with Solar Orbiter
February 14, 2020 Stephen Clark

Credit: United Lunach Alliance

Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now
« Ostatnia zmiana: Luty 10, 2025, 09:48 wysłana przez Orionid »

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #21 dnia: Czerwiec 07, 2020, 13:04 »
Pierwsze spodziewane w historii przejście sondy przez ogon komety za nami.
Trwa oczekiwanie na dane naukowe z tego przelotu

STEREO Watches Comet ATLAS as Solar Orbiter Crosses Its Tail
June 4, 2020

While STEREO recorded this footage, Solar Orbiter crossed one of comet ATLAS’s tails. Launched in February 2020, the spacecraft wasn’t scheduled to enter full science operations until June 15, but engineers adjusted Solar Orbiter’s testing schedule and turned on its four most relevant instruments for the encounter. It’s the first time a comet tail crossing by a spacecraft not designed to chase them was predicted in advance.

As material sheds from a comet’s nucleus, it leaves behind two tails: a thin ion tail, made of charged particles, and a more diffuse dust tail that reflects visible light. The ion tail always points away from the Sun regardless of the comet’s trajectory; the dust tail more closely follows the comet’s path. Solar Orbiter crossed the ion tail on May 31, some 27 million miles downstream and outside STEREO’s field of view. The team is still awaiting those results. It will fly through the remnants of the dust tail on June 6. (...)

Solar Orbiter to pass through the tails of Comet ATLAS

(...) Serendipitously flying through a comet’s tail is a rare event for a space mission, something scientists know to have happened only six times before for missions that were not specifically chasing comets. All such encounters have been discovered in the spacecraft data after the event. Solar Orbiter’s upcoming crossing is the first to be predicted in advance. (...)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Czerwiec 11, 2020, 22:35 wysłana przez Orionid »

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #22 dnia: Czerwiec 16, 2020, 10:05 »
Pierwsze peryhelium sondy Solar Orbiter

(...) Po starcie sonda została skierowana “ku Słońcu”. Pierwsze zbliżenie do Słońca (peryhelium orbity) nastąpiło 15 czerwca 2020. Wówczas Solar Orbiter znalazł się z odległości 77 milionów kilometrów od naszej Dziennej Gwiazdy. Po przejściu przez peryhelium rozpoczął się okres testowania instrumentów pokładowych sondy. Pierwsze dane z Solar Orbiter zostaną opublikowane przez NASA w połowie lipca. (...)

Solar Orbiter makes first close approach to the Sun

(...) In the week following this first perihelion, the point in the orbit closest to the Sun, the mission scientists will test the spacecraft’s ten science instruments, including the six telescopes on-board, which will acquire close-up images of the Sun in unison for the first time. According to ESA’s Solar Orbiter Project Scientist Daniel Müller, the images, to be released in mid-July, will be the closest images of the Sun ever captured. (...)

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #23 dnia: Lipiec 17, 2020, 23:47 »
NASA/ESA's Solar Orbiter Spots 'Campfires' on Sun in New and Closest Images Ever Taken
By Paul Scott Anderson, on July 16th, 2020

“Campfires” seen on the Sun by Solar Orbiter. They may help explain why the Sun’s atmosphere is 300 times hotter than its surface. Image Credit: Solar Orbiter/EUI Team (ESA & NASA); CSL, IAS, MPS, PMOD/WRC, ROB, UCL/MSSL

Zaprezentowano pierwsze zdjęcia Słońca z misji Solar Orbiter

Pierwsze zdjęcia Słońca uzyskane przez sondę kosmiczną Solar Orbiter zaprezentowała w czwartek Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna (ESA). To pierwsze fotografie tej gwiazdy uzyskane z tak bliskiej odległości. Widać na nich miniaturowe rozbłyski słoneczne, których dotąd nie obserwowano szczegółowo.

Solar Orbiter jest projektem prowadzonym przez Europejską Agencję Kosmiczną (ESA) we współpracy z NASA. Budowa sondy trwała około 10 lat. Z Ziemi została wystrzelona 10 lutego 2020 r. W projekcie biorą udział Polacy. (...)

« Ostatnia zmiana: Lipiec 18, 2020, 00:06 wysłana przez Orionid »

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #24 dnia: Wrzesień 10, 2020, 00:44 »
O różnych technicznych wyzwaniach, z którymi musiał zmierzyć się zespół misji.

Technical challenges of flying close to the Sun

Caveman’s solution

Enbio’s technique, called ‘Co-Blast’, originally developed for medical implants, involves grit-blasting away a metal’s surface oxide layer to chemically bond a new coating onto it. The coating effectively becomes part of the metal, so it never comes off.

The company tested different coatings, notes Enbio’s Managing Director John O’Donoghue: “I recalled cavemen used burnt bone for cave painting, along with charcoal – and its durability is proved by the fact the paintings survive to this day. We found a US company called Ebonex who produce a char bone pigment – they burn the bone in low oxygen, then crush it, so all the fat and tissue is gone. It turned out the pigment already had space heritage, having been employed by NASA.”

“For us, this effectively saved the project,” adds Claudio. “It meant the surface would retain constant ‘thermo-optical properties’ – maintain the same black colour despite years of exposure to extreme ultraviolet radiation – so we keep thermal stability throughout the mission, setting maximum surface temperature at 520 °C and no more.”

Known as ‘Solar Black’, this black coating ended up applied to other Sun-exposed parts of Solar Orbiter, so the spacecraft evolved from a largely white object with a few black surfaces to a largely black object with a few white surfaces.

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #25 dnia: Grudzień 27, 2020, 18:09 »
SolO przeleciał koło Wenus
  27.12. o 12:39 sonda SolO wykonała pierwszą asystę grawitacyjną, przelatując w odległości około 7500 km od Wenus.

ESA France@ESA_fr Dans le cadre de sa trajectoire visant à obtenir les plus belles vues des pôles de notre Soleil, @ESASolarOrbiter effectue aujourd'hui sa 1ère manœuvre d'assistance gravitationnelle autour de Vénus - passage au plus près à 13h39 CET.
12:11 PM · 27 gru 2020

Date: 17 December 2020 Last Update: 21 December 2020  Copyright: ESA/ATG medialab

Visualisation of ESA's Solar Orbiter spacecraft flying by Venus. The spacecraft will make multiple gravity assist flybys at Venus to bring it closer to the Sun and to tilt its orbit in order to observe our star from different perspectives. The first flyby takes place 27 December 2020.

Solar Orbiter's path around the Sun has been chosen to be 'in resonance' with Venus, which means that it will return to the planet's vicinity every few orbits and can repeatedly use the planet's gravity to alter or tilt its orbit.

Initially Solar Orbiter will be confined to the same plane as the planets, but each encounter of Venus will increase its orbital inclination. By 2025 it will make its first solar pass at 17° inclination, increasing to 33° by the end of the decade, bringing even more of the polar regions into direct view.

This will result in the spacecraft being able to take the first ever images of the Sun's polar regions, crucial for understanding how the Sun 'works', for investigating the Sun-Earth connection and how we can better predict periods of stormy space weather.

Solar Orbiter is an international collaboration between ESA and NASA.

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #26 dnia: Grudzień 28, 2020, 15:00 »
Solar Orbiter – przelot obok Wenus

(...) Misja Solar Orbiter odbywa się z polskim udziałem. Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN odpowiadało za budowę jednostki przetwarzania (instrument digital processing unit) i oprogramowanie niskiego poziomu instrumentu STIX, oraz za jego testy termiczne i naziemne oprzyrządowanie elektryczne.


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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #27 dnia: Sierpień 09, 2021, 07:19 »
ESA's Solar Orbiter entered Venus' graviational sphere of influence at 0446 UTC Aug 8 and will fly past the planet at an altitude of 7994 km at 0442 UTC Aug 9. It will reenter solar orbit at 0441 UTC Aug 10 . The flyby will increase the orbit from 0.49 x 0.95 AU to 0.59 x 1.21 AU

Meanwhile the ESA-JAXA Bepi-Colombo probe enters the Venus grav sphere at 0338 UTC Aug 9 and departs 0010 UTC Aug 12. The 552 km flyby at 1351 UTC Aug 10 sets it on course for Mercury
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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #28 dnia: Listopad 27, 2021, 07:06 »
Manewr grawitacyjny słonecznej sondy
  27.11. o 04:30 sonda SolO przeleciała w odległości 455 km od Ziemi.

2) 2021 wrz 15 14:59
Solar Orbiter - podróż dookoła Słońca
Europejsko-amerykańska sonda Solar Orbiter ma na celu zbadanie Słońca z bliska. W tym celu sonda przemierza wewnętrzny Układ Słoneczny, czasem zbliżając się do Wenus i Ziemi. Oto nagranie z trajektorią lotu tej sondy.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Czerwiec 27, 2023, 00:40 wysłana przez Orionid »

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Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #29 dnia: Listopad 27, 2021, 10:30 »

Polskie Forum Astronautyczne

Odp: Solar Orbiter
« Odpowiedź #29 dnia: Listopad 27, 2021, 10:30 »