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« Odpowiedź #30 dnia: Kwiecień 15, 2020, 03:56 »
Na świecie jest tylko jeden Antonow An-225 Mrija. We wtorek wyląduje w Warszawie
Marcin Walków 13 kwi, 14:25 []

Foto: Bychykhin Olexandr / Shutterstock

Antonow An-225 Mrija to największy i najcięższy na świecie samolot transportowy. We wtorek, 14 kwietnia 2020 r., około godz. 9.30 wyląduje na Lotnisku Chopina z ładunkiem środków ochrony osobistej i sprzętu medycznego z Chin. Po drodze z Tianjin czeka go międzylądowanie na lotnisku Ałmaty w Kazachstanie.

- Antonow An-225 Mrija ma 84 m długości. W jego wnętrzu zmieszczą się ładunki , których inne samoloty nie byłyby w stanie przetransportować

- Do Polski przyleci we wtorek 14 kwietnia 2020 r. z ładunkiem maseczek ochronnych, przyłbic i kombinezonów kupionych przez KGHM i Grupę Lotos

- To jedyny tego typu samolot na świecie

Co An-225 Mrija będzie miał na pokładzie?

Antonow An-225 Mrija do Warszawy przywiezie ładunek sprzętu ochronnego dla personelu medycznego zakupiony przez KGHM i Lotos. Będzie to 7 mln maseczek i kilka milionów kombinezonów ochronnych.


Antonow An-225 Mrija. Marzenie o radzieckim programie promów kosmicznych

Antonow An-225 Mrija z zamontowanym promem kosmicznym. Zdjęcie wykonane w 1991 r. na kosmodromie Bajkonur w Kazachstanie.

Świat ujrzał Antonowa An-225 „Mrija” po raz pierwszy na światowym salonie lotniczym Paris Air Show w 1989 roku, choć jego oblot odbył się w grudniu 1988 roku. Antonow An-225 „Mrija” jest jedynym tego typu samolotem na świecie. Prowadzone były prace nad drugim egzemplarzem, który nigdy nie został ukończony - powstał jedynie kadłub.

Antonowa An-225 Mrija skonstruowano na Ukrainie pierwotnie z myślą o przenoszeniu promu kosmicznego Buran, wraz z rozpadem ZSRR upadł jednak radziecki program promów kosmicznych. Dopiero od 2002 r. „Mrija” wykorzystywana jest w lotach komercyjnych jako samolot transportowy ukraińskich linii lotniczych Antonov Airlines. W samolot zainwestowano 20 mln dol., przystosowując go do nowej roli.

Foto: kamilpetran / Shutterstock

Antonow An-225 Mrija w malowaniu ukraińskich linii lotniczych Antonov Airlines, specjalizujących się w przewozach cargo. Korzystają one też z mniejszego An-124 Rusłan.

An-225 Mrija. Największy samolot transportowy na świecie. Wymiary i osiągi

Foto: Adam Ziemienowicz / PAP/zdjęcia

Antonow An-225 Mrija. Fakty i liczby

„Mrija” mierzy 84 m długości, rozpiętość skrzydeł to 88,4 m. Samolot ma łączną wysokość 18,1 m, czyli więcej niż mierzy pięciopiętrowy blok mieszkalny. Gdyby znalazł się na murawie stadionu piłkarskiego, końcówki jego skrzydeł sięgałyby poza linie boczne, a dziób i ogon dotykałyby obu pól karnych.

Ładownia An-225 Mrija ma długość 43,35 m, szerokość 6,4 m i wysokość 4,4. Zmieści się w niej nawet 100 samochodów osobowych. Jej ładowność to 250 ton.

Wnętrze ładowni Antonowa An-225 Mrija. W przeciwieństwie do mniejszego An-124 Rusłan, załadunek możliwy jest tylko przez unoszony dziób.

Załadunek dużych i nietypowych towarów jest ułatwiony za sprawą unoszonego nosa samolotu i rampy. „Mrija” jest dłuższa od mniejszego Antonowa An-124 Rusłan o 14,9 m.

Antonow An-225 Mrija przewozi generatory, samochody i śmigłowce. W jego ładowni zmieściłby się też kadłub Boeinga 737.  Foto: Tmic / Shutterstock

Prędkość przelotowa samolotu to 800 km/h. Maksymalny zasięg to 15,4 tys. km, a z pełnym ładunkiem - 4,5 tys. km. Obsługiwany jest przez 6-osobową załogę. Podczas godziny lotu Antonov An-225 spala 15 ton paliwa lotniczego.

Foto: Arsgera / Shutterstock

Podwozie Antonowa An-225 Mrija składa się z 32 kół.

Charakterystyczne elementy Antonowa An-225 „Mrija” to sześć silników odrzutowych umieszczonych pod skrzydłami, podwójne usterzenie ogona i 32 koła w podwoziu.

Antonow An-225 Mrija. Kiedy i gdzie będzie można oglądać lądowanie w Warszawie?

An-225 tyko dwukrotnie gościł w Polsce - w 2003 i 2005 r. Tym razem samolot spodziewany jest na Lotnisku Chopina w Warszawie 14 kwietnia 2020 r. około godz. 9.30.

⚠️ #Ważne | #AN225wWAW | #CargoDlaPolski | #LIVE

✈️📦🇵🇱 Szanowni Fani, Miłośnicy Lotnictwa i wszyscy zainteresowani przylotem samolotu transportowego #An225 #Mrija na Lotnisko Chopina w ramach operacji Cargo dla Polski, przygotowujemy dla Was możliwość śledzenia jego wizyty na Lotnisku Chopina podczas relacji na żywo (zarówno przylot jak i odlot). 🎦

⚠️ Rozumiemy w pełni chęć zobaczenia tego, jedynego na świecie giganta na własne oczy, ale prosimy pamiętajcie o naszym wspólnym bezpieczeństwie i zdrowiu – nie przyjeżdżajcie w rejon lotniska, zostańcie w domu.‼️

🎬 Ponadto szykujemy dla Was film z jego przylotu i obsługi (rozładunku).

⛔️ Niestety warunki epidemiczne nie pozwalają nam również na organizację szerszego wydarzenia dla miłośników lotnictwa.
📸 Na lotnisku będzie zespół foto, który przygotuje dla Was zdjęcia z tego wydarzenia.

ℹ️➡️ Prosimy śledzić nasz profil, będziemy podawali sukcesywnie komunikaty.

#flyWAW | #ŁączymyPolskę

Antonow An-225 Mrija gdziekolwiek się pojawi, wzbudza olbrzymie zainteresowanie i przyciąga tłumy spotterów. Zarządca Lotniska Chopina w Warszawie już kilka dni temu zaapelował, aby tym razem nie przyjeżdżać pod płot portu lotniczego, ze względu na obostrzenia wprowadzone z powodu epidemii koronawirusa w Polsce. Przylot samolotu An-225 Mrija ma być transmitowany w internecie. W sieci można również śledzić trasę przelotu Antonowa, wpisując numer lotu: ADB 3354 w serwisie FligthRadar24.

[Artykuł zaktualizowany]


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« Odpowiedź #31 dnia: Maj 03, 2020, 18:30 »
Second Russian doctor in mystery fall: Physician with coronavirus 'blamed for outbreak at training facility' plunges to her death at hospital after medic who reported PPE shortages fell from a window
PUBLISHED: 08:02 BST, 27 April 2020 | UPDATED: 16:37 BST, 27 April 2020 By WILL STEWART [dailymail]

A doctor who contracted coronavirus in Russia's Star City (file photo) where cosmonauts are trained has died after falling from a hospital window

Natalya Lebedeva was accused of failing to stop an outbreak, colleagues claim
She was involved in treating the city's 'patient zero', a top cosmonaut trainer
Her death comes after a doctor fell from a hospital window after PPE complaints

A doctor who contracted coronavirus in Russia's Star City where cosmonauts are trained has died after falling from a hospital window.

Natalya Lebedeva had been accused of failing to stop an outbreak of Covid-19 inside the restricted city, colleagues claimed.

Her death comes after Dr Yelena Nepomnyashchaya fell from a window at a hospital in Krasnoyarsk after allegedly complaining about medical shortages. She is now fighting for life.

Lebedeva had been directly involved in the treatment of Star City's 'patient zero' - a top trainer who had been in direct contact with cosmonauts, it is believed.

Lebedeva was being treated in Moscow and fell from the sixth floor of the Federal Biomedical Agency in an apparent suicide. 

A doctor who contracted coronavirus in Russia's Star City (file photo) where cosmonauts are trained has died after falling from a hospital window

Star City's 'patient zero' was one of the heads of the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre, according to Moskovsky Komsomolets (MK) newspaper.

All cosmonauts and astronauts are based in the city before flying to the International Space Station. 

Lebedeva had been head of the emergency department at the Medical-Sanitary Unit No 2 in Star City and was involved in treating the first patient, reports say.   

After the initial infection, coronavirus is believed to have spread among health workers linked to Lebedeva.

By early last week, six people had developed the virus in Star City, although unofficial accounts say the number was 22.

Colleagues say Lebedeva had faced 'accusations from her superiors that she had not taken sufficient measures to ensure the safety of her employees which resulted in the infecting of several health workers', according to Russian media.

Among those infected was Olga Minina, head of the Star City hospital where Lebedev worked.

It is unclear whether the initial 'patient zero' had any contact with cosmonauts who have since flown to the space station.

The latest crew to travel to the space station - NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy plus Russian cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner - left Star City on March 24 before travelling to Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

In a separate case, another doctor - Yelena Nepomnyashchaya, pictured - fell from a hospital window in Krasnoyarsk. She survived but is fighting for her life in a different hospital   

Lebedeva's death comes after different doctor fell from a window at a hospital in Krasnoyarsk after allegedly complaining about medical shortages.   

Dr Yelena Nepomnyashchaya survived the fall but is fighting for her life in a different Krasnoyarsk hospital.

Aleksey Podkorytov, the deputy head of Krasnoyarsk's regional government, played down claims that her fall was linked to medical shortages. 

'So many things could have happened,' he speculated. 'It could have been because it was spring, the overall stress, something in her family.

'It's difficult to say what could have happened.

'There was nothing extraordinary happening at the time, just a routine conference call with doctors' reports.

'If we were to fail after each routine conference call this would have not led to anything good.'

« Ostatnia zmiana: Maj 03, 2020, 19:31 wysłana przez Orionid »

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« Odpowiedź #32 dnia: Maj 05, 2020, 12:41 »
Два работника Роскосмоса с подтвержденным коронавирусом умерли в больнице

Число заразившихся сотрудников госкорпорации возросло до 42

МОСКВА, 17 апреля. /ТАСС/. Трое специалистов ракетно-космической отрасли умерли в больницах, у двоих из них подтвердили коронавирус, еще у одного было подозрение на него. Об этом сообщил в пятницу руководитель оперативного штаба, заместитель генерального директора госкорпорации "Роскосмос" Олег Фролов.

"Два специалиста - 62 и 68 лет - скончались в больницах, сотрудник еще одного предприятия, находившийся в списке с подозрением на заболевание коронавирусом, умер из-за двусторонней пневмонии в возрасте 58 лет", - отметил Фролов.

Все трое работали в Москве и Подмосковье. Их семьям будет оказана необходимая поддержка, сказал Фролов.

Как сообщили ТАСС в пресс-службе госкорпорации, число заразившихся коронавирусом в Роскосмосе за несколько дней выросло с 30 до 42.

"По состоянию на 17 апреля 2020 г. общее число работников предприятий космической промышленности, зараженных новой коронавирусной инфекцией 2019-NCOV, достигло 42 человек", - сказали в Роскосмосе, подчеркнув, что четыре человека выздоровели.

По словам руководителя оперативного штаба, Роскосмос предпринимает все возможные меры для нераспространения инфекции на сотрудников предприятий ракетно-космической промышленности вне зависимости от географического расположения места работы.

Коронавирус в Роскосмосе

15 апреля генеральный директор госкорпорации Дмитрий Рогозин сообщил, что число работников российской ракетно-космической отрасли, у которых обнаружили коронавирус, возросло до 30. На тот момент вылечились четыре человека.

Источник в отрасли сообщил ТАСС, что коронавирусной инфекцией заразился в том числе заместитель гендиректора - генеральный конструктор Ракетно-космической корпорации "Энергия" Евгений Микрин, он сейчас находится на самоизоляции дома, так как клинических симптомов заболевания у него нет.


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« Odpowiedź #33 dnia: Maj 05, 2020, 12:41 »
Competition and Coronavirus Batter Russia’s Space Program
Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 17 Issue: 59 By: John C. K. Daly April 29, 2020 06:17 PM Age: 5 days []

Launch of cosmonauts to ISS on Russian Soyuz rocket, Baikonur Cosmodrome, April 9 (Source: Roscosmos)

Among the Russian Federation’s most important industrial enterprises with Soviet antecedents, its space program evokes both national pride and the aura of profitability. A series of recent setbacks however, among them COVID-19 infections of key personnel and growing international competition, threaten the future of Roscosmos, Russia’s state-run space agency. As a result, on April 10, a day after a successful Roscosmos launch from Kazakhstan’s Baikonur Cosmodrome to the International Space Station (ISS), Russian President Vladimir Putin convened the leadership of Russia’s space program for a video conference progress report. After labeling the space sector one of “the most vital sectors of the national economy,” Putin asked his subordinates to detail their “planning to arrange the work of the entire industry in the medium and longer term, bearing in mind the need to revive it to full capacity” (, April 10).

While Roscosmos Director Dmitri Rogozin emphasized his organization’s accomplishments, the previous day’s launch underlined a future competitive shortcoming: namely, the Roscosmos Soyuz-2.1a used for the launch was a Russian single-use space rocket. Imminently threatening Roscosmos’ transport monopoly to the ISS is the United States aerospace company Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX), which has developed reusable booster rockets. As such, Rogozin told Putin, “In order to expand our presence on international markets, we are currently working on cutting our launch service rates by over 30 percent by reducing our non-operating expenses and increasing the company’s operating efficiency. The pricing schedule we proposed is essentially our response to the dumping by the American companies that are funded by the US budget. If a launch by, for example, SpaceX has a market price of around $60 million, NASA [the National Aeronautics and Space Administration] pays 50 to 300 percent more for the same service” (, April 10).

As with many large organizations the world over, COVID-19 has also claimed its first victims at Roscosmos. On April 17, Deputy General Director Oleg Frolov announced the state corporation’s first few casualties, telling reporters, “Two specialists—62 and 68 years old—died in hospitals; another company employee, who was on the list with suspected coronavirus, died due to bilateral pneumonia, at the age of 58.” The trio all worked in the Moscow region. Potentially worse news was yet to come: Frolov added, “As of April 17, 2020, the total number of space industry workers infected with the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection reached 42” (TASS, April 17).

A public relations coronavirus disaster may be waiting in the wings for Roscosmos. On April 9, Evgenii Mikrin, the general designer of Roscosmos subsidiary RSC Energia, which built the Soyuz spacecraft launched that day, shared a three-hour flight to Baikonur as a member of the State Commission to prepare the crew for the flight. Also aboard the same government plane was Roscosmos Director Rogozin, who subsequently spoke directly with the cosmonauts prior to their launch, with pictures showing him neither wearing a viral mask nor observing social distancing (Moskovsky Komsomolets, April 17).

After subsequently twice testing positive for COVID-19, Mikrin was put in self-isolation at home in Moscow. When asked about the incident, RSC Energia media representative Irina Gomenyuk replied brusquely, “Our comment is solely that we do not remark upon the personal data of employees, as this is confidential medical information. Furthermore, we are doing everything that is necessary to halt the proliferation of the virus in our corporation” (RBK, April 15).

A coronavirus case has also now been confirmed at Star City, near Moscow, where the Russian Cosmonaut Training Center is located and where this month’s ISS crew had prepared for their launch (RIA Novosti, April 16).

Another issue undermining Roscosmos’ public image that its management eventually will have to address is quality control. On April 10, the Russian media carried reports that three Proton-M rockets had to be returned from Baikonur to their manufacturer, Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, in Moscow, for partial disassembly to replace bolts manufactured in 2015–2016 that were overheated and damaged during production (RIA Novosti, April 10). The defective components were identified in March by a new Roscosmos quality control system. Speaking on condition of confidentiality, a source told a journalist that the faults were detected during the testing of a rocket’s second stage and were determined to affect more than a thousand bolts in the rocket’s fuel system (, April 10).

Even as the Russian space program still relies upon Baikonur as its primary launch site, Roscosmos is determined to lessen its dependence upon the resources of other post-Soviet states. Russia has been developing a domestic cosmodrome in Vostochny, in the Far East (see EDM, November 18, 2019). And the April 9 flight was notably the first cosmonaut orbital mission of the Soyuz-2-1a rocket variant, following years of preparations and flight tests. It marked the transition of Russia’s piloted space program from the earlier Soyuz-FG variant, which utilized a flight control system developed at NT SKB Polisvit and manufactured at GNPP Kommunar Association, both located in Kharkiv, Ukraine (Krasnaia Vesna, February 28, 2020;, April 5).

Rogozin’s day of reckoning will occur on May 27, when a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches from the Kennedy Space Center, in Cape Canaveral, carrying NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule to the ISS (, accessed April 28). Whether Roscosmos can regain its ISS transit monopoly via improved hygiene, better quality control measures and heavy discounts against a brash private-sector US upstart remains to be seen.


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« Odpowiedź #33 dnia: Maj 05, 2020, 12:41 »

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« Odpowiedź #34 dnia: Maj 05, 2020, 13:08 »
Умер генконструктор РКК "Энергия" Евгений Микрин
10:22 05.05.2020 (обновлено: 13:34 05.05.2020)

© РИА Новости / Сергей Мамонтов Перейти в фотобанк   Генеральный конструктор по пилотируемым космическим системами комплексам, академик РАН Евгений Микрин. Архивное фото

МОСКВА, 5 мая - РИА Новости. Генконструктор пилотируемых программ России, член президиума РАН Евгений Микрин скончался в больнице после длительной болезни, сообщили РИА Новости в пресс-службе Роскосмоса.

"Врачи сделали максимально возможное, чтобы спасти его. Роскосмос приносит соболезнования всем его родным и близким", — сказали в пресс-службе.

Сведения о кончине от коронавируса генконструктора пилотируемых программ России Микрина в госпитале в Коммунарке не соответствуют действительности, он умер в Центральной клинической больнице управделами президента, сообщил РИА Новости источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.

"Микрин скончался в ЦКБ управделами президента на улице Маршала Тимошенко", — пояснил собеседник.

Ранее ряд СМИ сообщил, что Микрин умер в госпитале в Коммунарке.

Глава Роскосмоса Дмитрий Рогозин сообщил, что генконструктор пилотируемых программ России, генконструктор Ракетно-космической корпорации "Энергия" Евгений Микрин заразился коронавирусной инфекцией и находится дома, ему оказывается вся необходимая медицинская помощь.

В должности генконструктора пилотируемых программ, на которую Микрин утвержден указом президента, он руководил всеми перспективными тематиками в области пилотируемой космонавтики.

Сам Микрин 9 апреля присутствовал на пилотируемом запуске с космодрома Байконур, во время которого на МКС отправился новый экипаж. На фотографиях, опубликованных Роскосмосом, он сидел на Байконуре во время общения с космонавтами по правую руку от Рогозина. Сами космонавты находятся в изолированной комнате — за стеклом.


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« Odpowiedź #35 dnia: Maj 11, 2020, 13:10 »
Coronavirus could shrink European space industry by 1 billion euros, politicians warn
by Caleb Henry — May 7, 2020 [SN]

Europe's space industry needs to be protected from revenue losses caused by the coronavirus, according to some members of the European Parliament. Credit: ESA

WASHINGTON — Seven members of the European Parliament, the legislative branch of the European Union, are pushing for a recovery plan for space companies hurt by the coronavirus pandemic.

The parliamentarians wrote to Thierry Breton, a commissioner overseeing space in the EU’s executive branch, the European Commission, estimating that the European space sector could contract by 1 billion euros ($1.08 billion) in 2020, equivalent to 12.5% of the industry’s collective revenue.

“The Covid-19 pandemic is leading to a sharp economic slowdown and to a dramatic reduction of international trade,” the parliamentarians wrote in an April 30 letter obtained by SpaceNews. “This situation will have a heavy toll on the European space sector, and may lead to rapid capability and capacity loss, including highly specialised technical and managerial skills, that will take years to rebuild if they are not promptly mitigated.”

Two of the parliamentarians who wrote to Breton are from France (Manual Bompard and Christophe Grudler), and another two are from Italy (Massimiliano Salini and Andrea Caroppo). The other three are from Germany (Damian Boeselager), Portugal (Carlos Zorrinho) and the Czech Republic (Evžen Tošenovský).

The parliamentarians said the coronavirus pandemic makes it more important for the European Union to at a minimum commit to the roughly 16 billion-euro funding level sought for its space programs from 2021 to 2027. That funding is part of the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework, a seven-year budget still under debate, with recent discussions focused on including a coronavirus recovery plan for Europe.

The European space industry needs a recovery plan that would “aim at developing new enabling space-based services contributing to the general European economic recovery,” the parliamentarians wrote.

The 27-nation European Union should not let the coronavirus delay the procurement process for its Galileo and Copernicus satellite programs, they wrote.

Sonya Gospodinova, a European Commission spokesperson, told SpaceNews May 6 that the commission received Breton’s letter, and that it would provide a response, but gave no timeline for when that would occur.

Eurospace, a European space industry trade group, released a paper April 30 detailing steps European companies want the EU to take to support them during the pandemic. Those steps include the EU being an early customer for space-based products, incorporating space into EU defense and security initiatives, and increasing funding for research and development of space technology.


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Odp: [SN] Pandemic to cost NASA up to $3 billion
« Odpowiedź #36 dnia: Kwiecień 02, 2021, 02:09 »
Pandemic to cost NASA up to $3 billion
by Jeff Foust — March 31, 2021

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will suffer about $400 million in additional costs because of the pandemic, which hit just as the program reached the peak of its development spending. Credit: NASA

WASHINGTON — A NASA audit concluded that costs imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic on the agency could reach $3 billion, with several major science and exploration programs accounting for much of that cost.

A March 31 report by the NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG) stated that the agency expects that the pandemic’s effects on the agency, ranging from closed facilities to disrupted supply chains, to be nearly $3 billion. Of that, about $1.6 billion came from 30 major programs and projects, defined by NASA as those with a total cost of at least $250 million.

“Although NASA managers include schedule margin in program and project plans to address unforeseen circumstances, in many instances the margins were not sufficient to absorb the impact of the pandemic,” the OIG report stated. It added the full cost accounting of the pandemic won’t be possible “until after the COVID-19 emergency has subsided.”

The project with the largest cost increase in the report is the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, formerly known as the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST). It reported $3 million in costs because of the pandemic in fiscal year 2020, but estimates nearly $400 million in additional impacts in future years. The mission has a lifecycle cost of $3.9 billion.

“Subcontractors working on the Roman Space Telescope have been significantly impacted, resulting in fewer bids on proposed work, longer delivery times, and parts delays to complete assemblies,” the report stated. “This, in turn, has impacted contractors and affected the schedule for higher assembly and testing.”

NASA officials previously said Roman was particularly hard hit because the pandemic came at the peak of its projected spending, just as it passed its Key Decision Point C review in early March 2020. That review approved plans to move into full-scale development of the space telescope.

“COVID has had a measurable impact on the Roman Space Telescope,” said Paul Hertz, director of NASA’s astrophysics division, said at a March 25 meeting of the Committee on Astronomy and Astrophysics of the National Academies’ Space Studies Board. “COVID hit at exactly the worst possible time for a mission.”

Hertz didn’t quantify the cost and schedule effects of the pandemic on Roman, although he previously said the launch would likely slip six months, a delay also noted in the OIG report. Once those impacts were independently verified, “we will be going through a process of resetting the Roman schedule and the cost that goes with that reset.”

The OIG report stated that, given the known effects of the pandemic, “officials already anticipate needing additional funding for [fiscal year] 2022” for Roman.

The Space Launch System had the second-highest cost increase in terms of overall dollars, at $363 million, of which $8 million was in fiscal year 2020 and $355 million in fiscal years 2021 through 2023. A three-month delay in the first SLS mission, Artemis 1, along with “rephrasing production” each accounted for about one-third of the costs. The rest came from “surge costs” to compress schedules as well as the costs of facility shutdowns.

The Orion spacecraft suffered $146 million in costs, including $5 million in fiscal year 2020 and $66 million in fiscal year 2021. Because the Orion spacecraft for the Artemis 1 mission was nearly complete at the time the pandemic hit, the largest effects were on the Orion spacecraft for the Artemis 2 and 3 missions, both still in production. Those problems extended to Europe, with delays in the production of the European Service Module for the Artemis 2 Orion.

The James Webb Space Telescope will see its cost increase by $100 million because of the delay in its launch from March to October of this year. That increase, though, will be contained within the $8.8 billion cost cap for the mission using existing budget reserves.

Two other science missions in development, Europa Clipper and the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud and ocean Ecosystem (PACE), reported cost increases of $97 million and $89.2 million, respectively. PACE, whose cost increases account for about 10% of its estimated total cost, will also see its launch slip by nine months.

Many other major projects and programs, though, saw far lower cost increases. The commercial crew program experienced $2.2 million in cost increases in 2020 and $2.3 million projected for future years. The 2020 increase came from the use of NASA aircraft for mission-essential travel during the pandemic and “socially distanced lodging” for astronauts and other personnel ahead of the Demo-2 and Crew-1 launches in May and November of 2020, respectively.

How NASA will cover those costs is not certain. The agency received just $60 million in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act in March 2020, which the agency is using for pandemic-related costs ranging from enhanced information technology infrastructure to personal protective equipment. Hertz, in recent presentations, noted that overruns in one part of NASA’s astrophysics portfolio, such as the flagship missions JWST and Roman, would not be paid out money in other parts of the portfolio, like smaller missions or research funding.

The costs estimates included in the report, OIG added, are unlikely to be final figures. “Due to the continued uncertainties around the COVID-19 pandemic, NASA will likely continue to experience impacts to its major programs and projects.”

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Odp: Artykuły o wpływie pandemii na świat
« Odpowiedź #37 dnia: Maj 25, 2021, 03:35 »
Cost and schedule overruns continue to grow for NASA programs
by Jeff Foust — May 24, 2021 [SN]

The Space Launch System core stage arriving at the Kennedy Space Center in April. The SLS program is a major driver of the cost and schedule increases in major NASA programs identified in a new GAO report. Credit: NASA/Jamie Peer

WASHINGTON — NASA suffered increasing cost overruns on its major programs again in 2020, a problem a new report says will be exacerbated by the pandemic.

The annual report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on major NASA programs, published May 20, found that costs of those programs grew by more than $1 billion in 2020, the fifth year in a row overall costs increased.

The cumulative cost overrun of 20 major programs in development, defined as those with total costs of at least $250 million, grew to more than $9.6 billion in the report. Three programs — the James Webb Space Telescope, Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System — account for $8 billion of that total, including $4.4 billion for JWST alone.

« Ostatnia zmiana: Maj 25, 2021, 03:42 wysłana przez Orionid »

Polskie Forum Astronautyczne

Odp: Artykuły o wpływie pandemii na świat
« Odpowiedź #37 dnia: Maj 25, 2021, 03:35 »