Autor Wątek: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959  (Przeczytany 3297 razy)

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Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« dnia: Marzec 08, 2020, 08:50 »
W tym roku mija 25 lat od pierwszego lotu kosmicznego Chrisa Hadfielda

{STS100-E-5006 (20 April 2001) --- Astronaut Chris A. Hadfield, representing the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), is pictured on Endeavour's flight deck as the shuttle steadily makes its way toward the International Space Station (ISS) following an April 19 launch. Part of Hadfield's training has been geared toward preparing him for scheduled extravehicular activity (EVA) later in the mission. This image was recorded by a fellow crew member using a digital still camera.} Brak zdjęcia

STS100-341-003 (19 April - 1 May 2001) --- STS-100 and Expedition Two crew members pose for traditional in-flight portrait in Destiny laboratory. Bottom, from left, Chris A. Hadfield, Umberto Guidoni, Kent V. Rominger and Susan J. Helms. Middle row, James S. Voss, Yury V. Usachev and Yuri V. Lonchakov. Top, Scott E. Parazynski, John L. Phillips and Jeffrey S. Ashby. Guidoni represents the European Space Agency (ESA); Lonchakov and Usachev are with Rosaviakosmos and Hadfield is associated with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).

{STS100-E-5099 (21 April 2001) --- Astronaut Chris A. Hadfield, mission specialist representing the Canadian Space Agency, works at the controls for the Remote Manipulator system (RMS) arm on the Space Shuttle Endeavour. The aft flight deck scene was recorded with a digital still camera.} Brak zdjęcia

Sojuz TMA-05M

Expedition 35 Commander Chris Hadfield handed command of the station over to Expedition 36 Commander Pavel Vinogradov during a ceremony held on Sunday, May 12, 2013

Artykuły astronautyczne

EDIT 15.02.23

EDIT 29.08.2024 Poprawione linki do zdjęć
« Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 30, 2024, 07:54 wysłana przez mss »

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Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Marzec 08, 2020, 08:52 »
Chris Austin Hadfield jest 337. człowiekiem w kosmosie, a także 4.  Kanadyjczykiem.
Odbył 2 lotu kosmiczne, które trwały łącznie 165d 16h 18m 56s.
Jego 2 spacery kosmiczne trwały 14h 50m.

12 great Chris Hadfield moments in space

2012-12-25 – Expedition 34 crew members assembled in the Unity node of the ISS for a brief Christmas celebration. (Credit: NASA)

29 août
Joyeux anniversaire (64) à @Cmdr_Hadfield 🎂🎂🎂 (3 vols : STS-74 / 100 et Expedition 34-35 soit  165 jours 16 heures 18 minutes dans l'espace et 2 EVA)  Retrouvez la longue interview accordée à Space Quotes - Souvenirs d'espace
« Ostatnia zmiana: Czerwiec 29, 2024, 21:32 wysłana przez Orionid »

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Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Marzec 08, 2020, 08:53 »
How Chris Hadfield became the most famous astronaut on earth
May 13, 2013 By Leo Mirani

As you read this, a moustachioed Canadian astronaut named Commander Chris Hadfield is readying himself for a ride from the international space station down to earth, with 800,000 Twitter followers in tow. When he left the planet on Dec. 19, that number stood at roughly 20,000.

Neither Hadfield nor the 20-person strong communications team at the Canadian Space Agency set out to grow his count of Twitter followers, let alone try to make him of the the most widely recognized astronauts since Neil Armstrong. In fact, the CSA had a much humbler mission: to tell their countrymen that there is such a thing as the Canadian Space Agency and to interest young Canadian students in science and technology.

That mission went well. During his five months in space, Hadfield performed experiments with schoolchildren via a  video link to Nova Scotia, established contact with schools in Nunavut and Yukon through amateur radio, and sang along with nearly 1 million students via webcast. And that’s where it might have ended. When Robert Thirsk became the first Canadian to spend six months on the international space station in 2009, the CSA focused mostly on text accounts of his experience that it posted on its website. The results were underwhelming.

“We noticed that the text format is not appealing to people right now,” says Julie Simard, a CSA spokesperson. “So we decided that with social media and everybody having access to YouTube and content that is fun and informative, we would use video.” As it turns out, the appetite for “content that is fun and informative” turned out to be huge: a video of Hadfield wringing a hand towel in zero-gravity has received 7.4 million views. In total, his videos have gathered more than 22 million views. This one, below, of Hadfield covering David Bowie’s “Space Oddity”, posted less than 24 hours ago, seems destined to be a classic.

Hadfield received a minimum of social-media training. The agency taught him how to use a high-end camera but the extensive use of Twitter was his own initiative, according to Simard. That explains why he tweets like a normal human being rather than a paid spokesperson: Hadfield’s tweets are often quite funny, he is not averse to replying to messages, and he takes lots of pictures. Indeed, the pictures contributed a great deal to his success, says Simard: “Everybody can relate to their little corner of the world. And the text that Chris writes is not just ‘Oh, here’s Ottawa.’ He always puts something fun or interesting.”

The big moment for Hadfield’s follower count came just two weeks into his mission, on Jan. 3, when William Shatner tweeted at him.

After that, the astronaut’s popularity became self-sustaining, with thousands of new followers, who in turn discovered his videos anew, and sometimes ended up at the CSA website. Traffic to the agency’s website is up 70% on last year, according to Canada’s national broadcaster.

Simard says she expected Hadfield to become popular in Canada but admits to being surprised by the worldwide interest he has generated. Perhaps what made Hadfield such a hit may have less to do with the mere fact that he was tweeting from space—plenty of other astronauts have done the same— but that he talked about sport and his kids and made stupid jokes. A lot of people use social media for such ordinary things. That he was doing it from space is what made it extraordinary.

The Canadian Space Agency is putting on a show for Hadfield’s return tonight. A live webcast will be available here starting at 9.30 p.m. ET/2.30 a.m. BST/3.30 a.m. CET.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 20, 2021, 23:04 wysłana przez Orionid »

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Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Marzec 08, 2020, 08:53 »
Chris Hadfield Retires After Return from ISS Command
By Merryl Azriel on June 12, 2013

Just a month after his return from a stint aboard the International Space Station where he served as the first Canadian commander of that vessel, astronaut Chris Hadfield announced his resignation on his first trip back to his home country. “I’ve had such an interesting career and after 35 years it’s time to step down,” he said.

Hadfield said he is looking forward to moving back to Canada after years spent in Houston to be near NASA Johnson Space Center, a move that will fulfill a promise he made to his wife nearly 30 years ago. Hadfield also appears mindful that, with the limited options available to Canadian astronauts, his sticking around for another flight could stand in the way of the two astronaut candidates currently in training. As it is, Canada is not expected to have another slot on ISS until 2016.

Hafield achieved a remarkable level of renown and public engagement during his spaceflight, attracting more than a million Twitter followers and creating a widely popular series of videos about life in space, and two music videos while aboard the station.

Watch the full report:
« Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 30, 2021, 11:16 wysłana przez Orionid »

Polskie Forum Astronautyczne

Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Marzec 08, 2020, 08:53 »

Offline Orionid

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Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Marzec 08, 2020, 08:54 »
Jak fotografować Ziemię z pokładu ISS?

Floryda i Kuba z perspektywy ISS - zdjęcie Chrisa Hadfielda / Credits - CSA, NASA

Jak zwykle astronauci na pokładzie Międzynarodowej Stacji Kosmicznej fotografują Ziemię?

Kanadyjski astronauta Chris Hadfield spędził łącznie w kosmosie 166 dni, biorąc udział w misjach STS-74 (1995), STS-100 (2001) oraz długoterminowej wyprawy Sojuza TMA-07M na Międzynarodową Stację Kosmiczną (ISS). W trakcie swojej ostatniej misji orbitalnej Chris Hadfield spędził na orbicie łącznie 145 dni pomiędzy grudniem 2012 a majem 2013. Nagrania Chrisa Hadfielda z tego okresu pobytu na Stacji były prezentowane na całym świecie: przede wszystkim jego cover “Space Oddity” (David Bowie) oraz seria nagrań opisujących życie w warunkach mikrograwitacji (w tym nawet o… łzach w kosmosie!).

Oprócz tego Chris Hadfield często fotografował naszą planetę z perspektywy Stacji. Zwykle do tego celu wykorzystywał moduł Cupola, wyniesiony zaledwie 3 lata wcześniej. Łącznie Chris Hadfield wykonał około 45 tysięcy zdjęć Ziemi w trakcie pobytu na ISS. Poniższe nagranie prezentuje kilka ciekawych wniosków płynących z obserwacji i fotografowania naszej planety z perspektywy niskiej orbity okołoziemskiej.

Fotografowanie Ziemi z pokładu ISS – Chris Hadfield (nagranie z 2013 roku) / Credits – Canadian Space Agency
Chris Hadfield opuścił szereg aktywnych astronautów w maju 2013 roku. Przez kolejne lata Chris Hadfield zajmował się nauką (posada profesora na University of Waterloo) oraz napisał książkę-autobiografię i uczestniczył w programach TV związanych z zachęcaniem do aplikowania do programu astronautów. Oprócz tego Chris Hadfield podróżuje po świecie z wykładami.

ISS służy jako platforma do wielu różnego typu obserwacji Ziemi. Przykładem może być instrument ECOSTRESS, zainstalowany w 2018 roku na Stacji.

« Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 20, 2021, 20:59 wysłana przez mss »

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Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Marzec 08, 2020, 08:56 »
Chris Hadfield Brushes his Teeth in Space

« Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 20, 2021, 23:04 wysłana przez Orionid »

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"Why is it that nobody understands me, yet everybody likes me?"
- Albert Einstein

Offline Orionid

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« Ostatnia zmiana: Czerwiec 29, 2024, 21:36 wysłana przez Orionid »

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Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Kwiecień 05, 2023, 19:54 »
Artemis II: Chris Hadfield on what it takes to make crew as Canadian astronaut to join lunar mission

2 11.04.23)

3 19.04.23) 2021 SIE 16 21:32 KOSMONAUTA.NET
Co się stanie, gdy astronauta się źle poczuje podczas misji?
Chris Hadfield podczas swojej ostatniej misji na Stację Kosmiczną (ISS) odpowiedział na to pytanie. Jak się okazuje, nawet nieprzyjemne czynności są trudniejsze w mikrograwitacji!

4 23.04.23) 2021 WRZ 01 17:11
Jak fotografować Ziemię z pokładu ISS?
Jak zwykle astronauci na pokładzie Międzynarodowej Stacji Kosmicznej fotografują Ziemię?
Kanadyjski astronauta Chris Hadfield spędził łącznie w kosmosie 166 dni, biorąc udział w misjach STS-74 (1995), STS-100 (2001) oraz długoterminowej wyprawy Sojuza TMA-07M na Międzynarodową Stację Kosmiczną (ISS). W trakcie swojej ostatniej misji orbitalnej Chris Hadfield spędził na orbicie łącznie 145 dni pomiędzy grudniem 2012 a majem 2013. Nagrania Chrisa Hadfielda z tego okresu pobytu na Stacji były prezentowane na całym świecie: przede wszystkim jego cover “Space Oddity” (David Bowie) oraz seria nagrań opisujących życie w warunkach mikrograwitacji (w tym nawet o… łzach w kosmosie!).


5) 2023 cze 11 17:00
Szpinak na ISS!
Przygotowywanie szpinaku na pokładzie ISS, podczas misji Kanadyjczyka Chrisa Hadfielda!

2 juillet
Allez... un petit #UnJourUnObjetSpatial d'il y a 5 ans 😉
Stephane SEBILE@spacemen1969·
Jul 2, 2018
Un Jour - Un Objet Spatial
(n° 0036 / 2 juillet 2018)
La Minifig Lego Chris Hadfield
8 )
Just went outside to watch 10 Earthlings soar weightlessly overhead at Mach 25. Feeling wistful and proud. @Space_Station
How does living on the International Space Station (ISS) affect an astronaut’s sense of taste? We’re glad you asked! 🌶 Leave it to @Cmdr_Hadfield to explain the impact of microgravity on our tastebuds while he was aboard the ISS on Expedition 34/35 in 2013.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Październik 21, 2023, 12:51 wysłana przez Orionid »

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Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Maj 13, 2023, 15:20 »
« Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 05, 2023, 14:17 wysłana przez Orionid »

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Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: Kwiecień 01, 2024, 15:21 »
For Easter morning on the Space Station, I'd secretly brought chocolate-filled eggs, and Velcroed them as gifts outside everyone's sleep pods. A touch of home. @NASA@csa_asc

Wow! Like the universe just showed us a secret.

Sleek new commercial spacewalking suit @SpaceX.
- what pressure is inside the suit?
- how supple is range of motion when pressurized?
- where does the umbilical attach?
- can you see/access the umbilical to tend it?
- how to attach to structure to free up hands for work?
- spark sources in 100% oxygen?
- diaper?
Hi Chris
- always the challenge but mobility and dexterity a big focus throughout dev
- standard suit and dragon umbilical attachment points with additional tether and secondary O2 and avionics ports.
- yes
- objective is primarily a suit test matrix and there is a hands free demo using foot mobility aid
- part of qualification testing
- 2hr op but if you gotta go, you gotta go
Thanks Jared - if I can be of any help, please just ask. I’m excited for you and your crew and a useful new EVA suit. You’ll learn so many unanticipated things: have margin, keep everyone safe. And purposefully take time to notice just what a cool new human experience spacewalking is.

Since this picture, 15 years ago today, @Astro_DavidS lived 204 days in orbit & spacewalked, I commanded Space Station, & @Astro_Jeremy has been assigned to orbit the Moon.  photo: @ingallsimages@NASA@csa_asc
And a few weeks after this picture was taken, I took off on Space Shuttle Endeavour (seen in the background), as the flight engineer MS2 on STS127. Thank you for supporting that mission for @csa_asc 🇨🇦, @Astro_Jeremy , @Astro_DavidS and @Cmdr_Hadfield. Time flies, literally!

No matter where you are, have a Happy Canada Day!!!
« Ostatnia zmiana: Lipiec 01, 2024, 22:04 wysłana przez Orionid »

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Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: Sierpień 29, 2024, 16:01 »
Canadian Space Agency @csa_asc
Happy birthday @Cmdr_Hadfield! ✨🎂

Chris took part in three space missions and was the first Canadian Commander of the ISS. Beyond space, Chris is a father, author, musician, speaker, mechanical engineer and retired military pilot.

Photos: CSA, NASA

« Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 29, 2024, 16:03 wysłana przez mss »
"Why is it that nobody understands me, yet everybody likes me?"
- Albert Einstein

Offline Orionid

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Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: Sierpień 30, 2024, 02:34 »
Pierwszy kanadyjski dowódca ISS.
#ASEspotlight: Chris Hadfield 💫
In March 2013, ASE member @Cmdr_Hadfield celebrated the arrival of fresh fruit to the @Space_Station, which was brought up from Earth aboard Soyuz TMA-08M!
Fun fact: He enjoys playing volleyball and squash!
Happy 65th birthday, Chris! 🎉

A perfect likeness, I agree.

Chris Hadfield @Cmdr_Hadfield 7:35 PM · Dec 7, 2024
Space Reindeer @NASA - around the world in 90 minutes makes it easier for Santa.

Craig Baird - Canadian History Ehx @CraigBaird 10:11 PM · Nov 23, 2024
The Sokol suit worn by Chris Hadfield at the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum (@avspacemuseum)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Styczeń 02, 2025, 23:31 wysłana przez Orionid »

Polskie Forum Astronautyczne

Odp: Chris Austin Hadfield 29.08.1959
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: Sierpień 30, 2024, 02:34 »