Z poglądów byłego astronauty można wnosić, że naukowy punkt widzenia na powstanie Ziemi, nie jest mu najbliższy.
The surprising voyage of Charlie Duke: An astronaut reaches for heavenBy Earl Swift April 21, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. EDT
Charlie Duke, 86, at a space exhibition in Brazil in 2021. (Yuri Murakami/Fotoarena/Sipa USA/AP)(...) “The dating of the rocks is suspect,” he said. “We have assumptions that we make to date these rocks, and the assumptions might be wrong.”
Much of what is mistaken for ancient origin, Duke suggested, is actually a product of the Great Flood — a deluge that, according to the Book of Genesis, only Noah and his family survived — and its aftermath. “When the earth was cooling down after the flood, the ice age came,” he said. “I don’t know how long it lasted, but several hundred years or more. And then it was warming up and it began to recede, the glaciers and stuff. There’s evidence that there were big, huge, massive lakes, and then when they burst, they sent the water down, and we see the Grand Canyon.
“There is no problem between science and creation,” he said. “God is the author of science. All the laws of nature, he put into effect. (...)
https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/GO5KVMWAZEI6ZNO7D65GDJTMOU.jpg&w=540Moonwalking with Moonwalker astronaut Charlie Duke (Apollo 16)https://x.com/ASE_Astronauts/status/1709207144816398603#HappyBirthday to ASE Life Member Charles Duke, Jr., who flew to space in 1972 aboard Apollo 16 and is the tenth person to have walked on the Moon!
https://twitter.com/AstroPeggy/status/1737486654544232509There is no better way to remember history than being with your astronaut friends and an Apollo legend. Thank you to Omega for bringing us together to share our favorite times in space ⌚️
https://twitter.com/UNOOSA/status/1814220725365961136👨🚀🚀 We interviewed Charlie Duke, former NASA astronaut and the 10th man to walk the Moon, for the first UN Conference on Sustainable Lunar Activities. 🌕
🎥 Watch as he shares his incredible journey ahead of #InternationalMoonDay!
#UNLunarConf #COPUOS2024 #UNOOSA @UN_Vienna
https://twitter.com/rookisaacman/status/1813602124594610672It was an incredible honor meeting Charlie Duke, the legendary CAPCOM of Apollo 11 and astronaut who walked on the moon during Apollo 16. His stories and experiences from the Space Race are truly inspiring🚀🇺🇸
As our Polaris Dawn crew prepares to conduct the first commercial spacewalk, we had the unique opportunity to meet and discuss EVA spacesuit development and operations with Apollo 16 legend and moonwalker Charlie Duke. Thank you for taking the time to visit the Polaris and SpaceX teams in California!