Franklin Story Musgrave o swoim zaangażowaniu w misje związane z HST i nie tylko. Hubble-Trouble: Story Musgrave’s Recount 30 Years LaterJim Clash Apr 21, 2020,12:41pm EDT
Clash: I heard somewhere that you have a ticket to fly in sub-orbital space with Virgin Galactic?
Musgrave: I am working on going with my 13-year-old daughter. I don’t know when they’ll get flying, and I don’t know if there are age restrictions.The FAA is part of the game. But if we can pull it off, we will be the oldest and youngest in history to be on the same space flight. We also will be the first parent-child on the same flight. The father-son team of Owen and Richard Garriott went to space, of course, but not on the same flight or during the same era. Astronaut Story MusgraveDiane Tedeschi August 2010
The only person to fly on all five space shuttle orbiters.
NASAFormer astronaut Story Musgrave is a veteran of six space shuttle flights on five different orbiters. He has seven academic degrees, including a doctorate in medicine. During his 30 years with NASA, he worked as a part-time trauma surgeon. As a pilot, Musgrave has logged 18,000 hours in 160 types of aircraft. He is the author of The NASA Northrop T-38: Photographic Art from an Astronaut Pilot. astronaucie, który stał w trakcie powrotu wahadłowca… BY KRZYSZTOF KANAWKA ON 28 KWIETNIA 2009
W 1996 roku, w trakcie powrotu wahadłowca Columbia na Ziemię z misji STS-80, miało miejsce wydarzenie, które nigdy wcześniej oraz nigdy później nie miało miejsca. Jeden z astronautów, zamiast siedzieć w swym fotelu i zmagać się z przeciążeniami, stał przy oknach wahadłowca i obserwował efekty wytworzone przez prom przedzierający się przez atmosferę. Kim był ten śmiałek?'How we fixed Hubble': An interview with former astronaut Story MusgraveBy Ben Evans Published: April 23, 2020 at 4:11 pm
(...) Musgrave, selected to lead the repairs on the mission, had previously communicated with the STS-31 crew from Mission Control and had worked on the space telescope since 1975. (...) shuttle astronauts followed irresistible urgeSun., July 3, 2011
(...) Story Musgrave, who flew six missions and was the hands-on mechanic who fixed the Hubble Space Telescope, was perhaps the most highly educated of any astronaut. A chemist, mathematician, surgeon, biophysicist, business administrator and literati by academic training, he has become a landscape contractor in Florida since leaving NASA. (...) Musgrave QuotesIf we ever start communicating with living creatures from other planets, the number one priority is, how are you going to communicate information? Even between different cultures here on Earth, you get into communication problems. to ASE Life Member F. Story Musgrave, who flew to space six times between 1983 and 1996 (STS-6, STS-51-F, STS-33, STS-44, STS-61, and STS-80)!